Time and Absence Methods

Current news: HR/Pay System Updates Nov 5, 2023


Salaried employees

Salaried employees are to report their own absences in HR/Pay. Absences are reported when the employee does not work for a half day or full day based on their regular schedule. Exceptions to the 1/2 or full day reporting are for Family Medical Leave Act designations and other non common leaves as designed in the Time and Absence Information document (pdf). Salaried employees do not track any worked hours and are not compensated for working outside their schedule. Salaried employees are referred to as exempt or overtime ineligible.

Hourly employees

Hourly employees are to report their own time and absences in .25 increments in HR/Pay. Hourly employees who are temporary or designated premium pay are to use the web clock (times are rounded); others use the elapsed timesheet. Hourly employees are eligible for additional compensation when exceeding the designated 40-hour work week limit. Hourly employees are referred to as non-exempt or overtime eligible.

*An accessible version of the documents on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact our office at hrdept@ku.edu to request the document be made available in an accessible format.