Keys to Success

Remote work arrangements require frequent review and ongoing communication to ensure long-term success. Whether you are continuing in a remote work arrangement or starting a new one, take a moment to ensure that you are considering best practices to ensure that the arrangement is a success.

Working Effectively and Efficiently

  •  Internet connectivity — Your broadband connection needs to be at a speed that can support the requirements of the position. Dropping video when on calls is not always practical or professional. Close large programs that might be competing for bandwidth to minimize difficulties.
  • Communicate — Be sure to share your progress with your supervisor and team. Regular updates are critical.
  • Be disciplined — It is critical to develop a set of work habits that reflect the professionalism and the expectations of your unit and customer. Keep a regular schedule, come prepared, and wear attire that is appropriate for the activity and helps you to feel your best.
  • The remote office — Although not all personal spaces have the luxury of a home office, it is important to identify a space that is distraction free and provides privacy for sensitive or confidential calls. Be aware of your space and ensure that backgrounds are appropriate and professional. Identify a light source that can be helpful when using video platforms, like Zoom or Teams, for visibility.
  • Professionalism — There are times where it might be acceptable to be interrupted by a family member or pet; however, for those meetings where that type of interruption is inappropriate, remember to latch or secure your office door and use mute when appropriate.

Building Relationships Virtually

  • Create spaces to build personal relationships — To supplement missing previous conversations that occurred in the hallway, schedule times to discuss work or more personal events such as a coffee break.
  • Using Zoom and Teams — Sometimes remote employees feel out-of-sight while working remotely. Stay engaged, offer to participate on committees including infinity groups, task forces, etc.

Staying Healthy

Sometimes working remotely results in longer work hours in front of a computer than in- person assignments. Remember that remote work provides flexibility to take more time to achieve a healthy balance between life and work.

  • Define boundaries — Step away from the computer at the same time each day.
  • Get moving — It is very easy to stay seated for a full day. Use your lunch or what would have been your commute time to get some exercise, standup, and stretch.
  • Define your lunch hour — Avoid walking to the kitchen each time you need to leave your desk. Stock your home with healthy food options. Eating right contributes to both mental and physical wellness and energy.
  • Ergonomic spaces — Reach out to to schedule a virtual ergonomic assessment to ensure that your workstation is setup appropriately to help prevent injury.