2022 Employee Recognition Ceremony

Watch the 48th Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony
2022 Employees of the Year
Randy Baker - FS Maintenance Services
Keesa Shrader - Housing Office Administration
2022 Team of the Year
Purposeful and Professional Enrichment Excursion Team
The Purposeful and Professional Enrichment Excursion Team came together to create a fun and energetic virtual spring break experience for Business School students to gain new skills and engage the business community. The students went to three different virtual locations, Laguna Beach, Aspen, and Las Vegas. The students heard from keynote speakers, attended educational mini-sessions, and attended a networking fair to learn more about employers and career opportunities. Each member contributed different skills, such as creating the various necessary technology elements, promotional items, and customized swag for each student attendee. The team found a way to bridge professional academic development with personal development in a fun and energetic way for students, creating an event that affirmed peoples’ humanity when they were feeling defeated by the pandemic.
Lauren Cunningham
Kelsey Cipolla
Kendyl Grender
Michael Brock
Jennifer Jordan
Cheryl Webb
Leaa Merrill
Kristen Helling
Steven Johnson Jr.
Employee Recognition Committee
Terri Osborn, Human Resource Management - Chair
Tanya Childers, Campus Operations - Vice Chair
Kim Glass, AAI
Andy Hause, Lied Center
John Mathews, Office of Research
Richelle Chaney, Enrollment Mngmt
Emily Eichler, Operations Business Office
Amanda Burghart, CLAS
Carol Rudolph, IT
Tyler Steiner, IT
Kari Balthazor, Applied English Center
Keah Cunningham, Academic Resource Center
Dave Moore, Parking and Transit
Kristina Glick, Business and Financial Planning
Jessica Brown, Custodial
Carrie Caine, Inst for Policy and Social Res.
Jenny Laird, KS Memorial Union
Matt Herrera, Housing
Heather Campbell, Procurement
Mary Dykman, Edwards Campus
Chris Bohling, Libraries
2022 Honorees
Name | Department Name | Confirmed Years |
Ackley, Brian D | Molecular Biosciences | 15 |
Agah, Arvin | Engineering Administration | 25 |
Ahianfo Hathaway, Theresa Abla | Custodial Services | 10 |
Alcazar, Maria Isabel | Study Abroad and Global Engmt | 25 |
Alexander, Shawn Leigh | African/African Amer Studies | 15 |
Alfers, B Christopher | Custodial Services | 15 |
Alfers, Cariell Louise | Provost Office | 15 |
Allgeier, Alan M | Chemical & Petroleum Engr | 5 |
Anderson, Alex Michael | Design | 5 |
Anderson, Craig Matthew | Libraries-General | 5 |
Anderson, Margaret R | Education Administration | 10 |
Andrews, Kirsten J | Housing Office Administration | 5 |
Anguiano Gomez, Ashley Marie | Social Welfare | 10 |
Archer, Billie DA | International Affairs Admin | 20 |
Arellano, Michele Ly | Study Abroad and Global Engmt | 20 |
Arntson, Alex Karl | Information Technology | 5 |
Arwine, Alan T | Political Science | 10 |
Ash, Stacy M | Music Administration | 5 |
Atkinson, Brian Anthony | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 5 |
Atwood, Eric Brian | Counseling/Psych Svcs | 5 |
Axton, Neal R | Libraries-General | 5 |
Bailee Myers | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Bailey, Karen S. | Financial Services | 35 |
Baker, Joseph Michael | FS Maintenance Services | 10 |
Ball, Melinda Jean | Information Technology | 10 |
Banerjee, Mahasweta M. | Social Welfare | 30 |
Bannister, Harriett Dawson | Bureau of Child Research | 30 |
Barajas Munoz, Ignacio Alejandro | Counseling/Psych Svcs | 5 |
Barati Ghahfarokhi, Reza | Chemical & Petroleum Engr | 10 |
Bardas, Alexandru Gavril | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 5 |
Barker, Bradley R | Financial Analysis & Reporting | 15 |
Barker, Vincent L | Business | 20 |
Barnard, Delores Marie | OLeary SSC | 25 |
Barnes, Brian | Pharmacy Practice | 20 |
Barnett, William A | Economics | 20 |
Barski, Brenda Ann | Office of Research | 10 |
Barton Jr, Arthur Mitchell | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Barton, Richard Justin | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Basgall, Ashly LoBurgio | Bureau of Child Research | 10 |
Bauer, Lois A | Libraries-General | 40 |
Bauer, Michael J. | Music | 35 |
Baumann, Morgan Michelle | College of Liberal Arts & Sci | 5 |
Baxter, Lauren Allison | Edwards Campus | 10 |
Baysinger, Kelly A | Office of Research | 5 |
Beall, Cynthia | Office of Research | 35 |
Benedick, Pamela Sue | SSC Administration | 5 |
Bennett, Bobby F | Custodial Services | 5 |
Bennett, Brett C. | Kansas Geological Survey | 40 |
Bergee, Martin J | Music | 15 |
Bergman, Ted Leo | Mechanical Engineering | 10 |
Bermel, Jamie | Athletics Corporation | 10 |
Biernat, Monica Rose | Psychology | 30 |
Bigler, Evan | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Blackburn, Pamela Lynn | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Blake, Sean P | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Bogle, Julie Ann | Kansas Geological Survey | 10 |
Booker, John T. | French, Francophone & Italian | 50 |
Bosnak, Kirsten A | KS Biological Survey | 20 |
Bottorff, Ellen Ruth | Music | 15 |
Bourque, Katherine Shirley | Bureau of Child Research | 20 |
Bouton, Brian P. | Public Safety Office | 40 |
Bowerman, Judson P | Public Safety Office | 10 |
Branscombe, Nyla R. | Psychology | 35 |
Brant, Timothy J | Law Enforcement Training Ctr | 5 |
Brazil, Adam M | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Brecheisen, Kerrie Ruth | Mathematics | 35 |
Bridges, Michael E | Public Safety Office | 5 |
Britt, Nicholas Stuart | Pharmacy Practice | 5 |
Brittingham, Ashley Katherine | Theatre and Dance | 5 |
Brogdon, Darrell L. | Kansas Public Radio | 40 |
Brohammer, Mary C. | Kansas Geological Survey | 45 |
Brook, Rhodes Keith | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Brown, Deanna Sue | Custodial Services | 15 |
Brown, John Christopher | Faculty Development | 20 |
Brown, Marie Grace | History | 10 |
Brumberg, Jonathan S | Speech-Language-Hearing | 10 |
Brune, Jarromy J. | Information Technology | 25 |
Bryant, Blake Douglas | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 5 |
Bryant, Jennifer Marion Accurso | Bureau of Child Research | 20 |
Buchwitz, Stefani Gerson | Self Graduate Programs | 10 |
Burghart, Amanda Michelle | College of Liberal Arts & Sci | 10 |
Burton, Robert Duane | Information Technology | 5 |
Byers, Kaela Danielle | Social Welfare | 20 |
Callen, Carrie N | Athletics Corporation | 10 |
Caminero-Santangelo, Martha Mari | English | 25 |
Campbell, Chris A | OLeary SSC | 10 |
Campbell, Clark W | Athletics Corporation | 20 |
Campbell, Julie Ann | Undergraduate Biology Program | 25 |
Caplan, Benjamin David | Philosophy | 5 |
Carlsen, Kathy Ann | Bureau of Child Research | 15 |
Carney, Michelle Mohr | Social Welfare Administration | 5 |
Caro, Donnell E | Custodial Services | 15 |
Carr, Kortney Angela | Social Welfare | 5 |
Carter, Brittnee A | Political Science | 5 |
Carter, Douglas Scott | Housing Office Administration | 25 |
Cashman, Robert William Neal | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Caster, Angela Dawn | Bureau of Child Research | 5 |
Cateforis, David C. | History of Art | 30 |
Cazares, Everardo | Custodial Services | 15 |
Cazeaux, Paul Isaac Denis Louis Mar | Mathematics | 5 |
Chappell, Benjamin Terry | American Studies | 15 |
Chasen, Jeffrey I | Human Resource Management | 10 |
Childers, Tanya Jane | Operations Business Office | 10 |
Childs, Margaret H. | East Asian Languages&Cultures | 35 |
Christine, Mary | Inst for Leadership Studies | 20 |
Church, Carolyn K | Geology | 10 |
Cipolla, Kelsey Marie | Business Administration | 5 |
Clark, Emily J | Applied English Center | 5 |
Claussen, Christopher C | School of Pharmacy | 15 |
Clendenen, Kylee Renae | KU Memorial Unions | 10 |
Cline, John R | Public Affairs | 10 |
Closs, Evan William | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Coffman, Jacob M | Information Technology | 15 |
Coleman, Elizabeth Marie | Chemistry | 15 |
Colyott, Kaila Lynn | Center for Teaching Excellence | 5 |
Combs, Melissa A | Ctr for Online & Distance Lrn | 10 |
Congdon, David W | University Press of Kansas | 5 |
Conley, Ernest Michael | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 15 |
Conrad, Kathryn A | English | 25 |
Cook, Rhonda Rodriguez | Spanish & Portuguese | 30 |
Cook-Borg, Hilary Anne | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Cooper, Joseph | Naval ROTC | 5 |
Cooper, Anne Louise | Molecular Structures Group | 15 |
Corker, Patty | Athletics Corporation | 10 |
Coughlan, Sarah Jean Mealiff | Operations Business Office | 10 |
Covington, Stephanie Lee | Financial Aid & Scholarships | 25 |
Crandall, Chris S. | Psychology | 30 |
Crane, Kelly Ann | Business | 15 |
Crangle, Sara Colfax | Information Technology | 10 |
Crawford-Parker, Douglas McKean | English | 20 |
Crim, Aaron Michael | Office of Research | 20 |
Crisp, Nancy L | Ctr Enviro Benefical Catalysis | 20 |
Croci, Sonya Anne | Animal Care Unit | 5 |
Dale, Alice Jean | Environment Health & Safety | 10 |
Daniels, Demetrius | Athletics Corporation | 15 |
Davidson, Michael M | Music | 15 |
Davis, Cynthia | Naval ROTC | 25 |
Davis, Rachel Kay | Career & Experiential Learning | 5 |
Day Wedel, Caitlin Morgan | OLeary SSC | 10 |
Day, David | Provost Office | 10 |
Deaver, Lindsey Danielle | Undergraduate Biology Program | 15 |
Deboer, Gerrit | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 35 |
Degraff, Sean | Operations Business Office | 30 |
DeLuca, Thomas Anthony | Ed Leadership & Policy Studies | 10 |
Denning, Whitney Michelle | International Affairs Admin | 5 |
Desaire, Heather R | Chemistry | 20 |
Deveau, John M | Public Safety Office | 10 |
DeWitt, Ruth Mary | School of Public Affairs&Admin | 5 |
DeYoung, Robert | Business | 15 |
Diede, Laura L | Ctr for Online & Distance Lrn | 20 |
Diener, Alexander C | Geography & Atmo Science | 10 |
Dillon, Tracey | Athletics | 15 |
Ding, Chenglan | Office of Research | 10 |
Dixon, Dan A | Molecular Biosciences | 10 |
Dojonovic Schutzman, Stacie L | Special Education | 5 |
Dollar, Matthew Allen | Office of Research | 20 |
Dopp, Angela Lynn | Student Information Systems | 25 |
Dozier, Claudia L | Applied Behavioral Science | 15 |
Draffen, Kelly Irene | Housing Office Administration | 5 |
Duer, Danielle D | Strong Hall SSC | 5 |
Duncan, Philip Travis | Linguistics | 5 |
Dunlap, Ayesha Louise Grace | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Dye, Kayla Anne | Custodial Services | 5 |
Dylan Geiger | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Earnhart, Dietrich Harlan | Economics | 25 |
Eggleston Jr, Joseph B | College of Liberal Arts & Sci | 20 |
Eichler, Emily Joy | Operations Business Office | 20 |
Ekpon, Rose | Custodial Services | 5 |
Emmons, Kelly Kathryn | Kansas Geological Survey | 10 |
Engel, Michael Allen | KU Memorial Unions | 10 |
Epperson, Riley James | Center for Research Computing | 10 |
Erazmus Campbell, Le-Thu Anna | Anthropology | 30 |
Ernzen, Nick | KU Memorial Unions | 20 |
Esfandiary, Rana | Theatre and Dance | 5 |
Evans, Angela | Law Enforcement Training Ctr | 5 |
Everman, Elizabeth Rose | Higuchi Biosciences Center | 5 |
Ewing, Mark Stephan | Aerospace Engineering | 30 |
Fardad, Shima | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 5 |
Farmer, Sonia | Classics | 30 |
Farrell, Mark Patrick | Medicinal Chemistry | 5 |
Feldman, Hume | Physics and Astronomy | 25 |
Ferguson, Charles William | Environment Health & Safety | 10 |
Fields, Lisa P | Business Administration | 5 |
Fife, Brian Casey | Information Technology | 5 |
Figueroa, Erica Lauren | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Fish, Melinda S | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 15 |
Fleming, Kandace Kay | Bureau of Child Research | 20 |
Forrest, Marcus L | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 15 |
Foster, Georgia Rose | Custodial Services | 5 |
Foster, Summer Jenell | Marketing Communications | 5 |
Fowles, Millinda Rumble | Career & Experiential Learning | 10 |
Fraites-Chapes, Casey Leigh | Office of Admissions | 5 |
Freeze, Kathleen Margaret Hart | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Frey, Bruce B. | Educational Psychology | 25 |
Frost, Heather L. | Counseling/Psych Svcs | 30 |
Frost, Victor S. | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 40 |
Fry, Andrew C | Health Sport &Exercise Science | 15 |
Fry, Mary D | Health Sport &Exercise Science | 15 |
Fuller, Randall James | English | 5 |
Fullerton, Kevin Todd | School of Pharmacy | 10 |
Funk, Laura Lea | Eaton Hall SSC | 15 |
Funke, Todd Arnold | Undergraduate Biology Program | 10 |
Gall, Ashley R | Hilltop Child Development Ctr | 10 |
Gant, Julius Earl | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Gao, Fei Phillip | Higuchi Biosciences Center | 15 |
Garcia, Heidi Michelle | Health Education Resource | 15 |
Garcia, Reynaldo Yambao | Custodial Services | 10 |
Gard, Sarah D'Antonio | Dole Institute of Politics | 10 |
Gardner, Eleanor Elizabeth | Biodiversity Institute | 5 |
Gergen, James Wilfred | Information Technology | 25 |
Gerken, Katherine Ann | Study Abroad and Global Engmt | 15 |
Gerschultz, Jessica C | African/African Amer Studies | 10 |
Gerth, Allison Rose | Facilities Planning & Dvlpmnt | 10 |
Gevara, William Joe | KU Memorial Unions | 10 |
Ginther, Donna K | Economics | 20 |
Glass, Kimberly O | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Gleason, Jennifer M | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 20 |
Goff, Megan Elizabeth | Business Administration | 5 |
Gong, Maogang | Physics and Astronomy | 10 |
Gonzalez-Bueno, Manuela | Curriculum & Teaching | 25 |
Good, Janet Lynn | Office of Research | 20 |
Gorden, Faith A. | Strong Hall SSC | 40 |
Graves, Ryan | Athletics Corporation | 20 |
Greene, Jacqueline Megan | History | 20 |
Greene, Marina | Applied English Center | 10 |
Grender, Aspen Rolf | Education Administration | 5 |
Grender, Kendyl Ryne | Business Administration | 5 |
Grisafe-Gross, Joy Kristine | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 10 |
Griswold, Deborah Elsie Ayers | Special Education | 20 |
Grogan, David Michael | Intercollegiate Athletics | 10 |
Groninger, Dawna L. | Athletics Corporation | 30 |
Grotewohl, Daniel A | Public Safety Office | 10 |
Gulotta, Paul K | Information Technology | 10 |
Haaga, Lori May | General Counsel | 5 |
Hagel, Jonathan C | History | 10 |
Hageman, Michael John | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 10 |
Haider-Markel, Donald Patrick | Political Science | 25 |
Hall, Korri Lechanda | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Hallman, Heidi L | Curriculum & Teaching | 15 |
Hameed, Asikat Mojereola | Custodial Services | 5 |
Hamel, Julie Ann | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Hamilton, Kelsy Paige | Marketing Communications | 10 |
Hammen, James L | Eaton Hall SSC | 10 |
Hanigan, Laura J. | Bureau of Child Research | 30 |
Hanley, Eric Allen | Sociology | 25 |
Hanrath, Robert S | Libraries-General | 15 |
Hansen, David M | Educational Psychology | 15 |
Harber, Cheryl D | Information Technology | 10 |
Harrell, Maxwell Merl | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Harris, Theodore Daniel | KS Biological Survey | 5 |
Hartness, Julie Ann | Ctr for Online & Distance Lrn | 10 |
Hase, Allen Arthur | Physics and Astronomy | 25 |
Havener, Jon Robert | Visual Art | 45 |
Haynie, Nikita Annette | Business Administration | 5 |
Headrick, Jill E | Chemistry | 20 |
Hedeman, Anne Dawson | History of Art | 10 |
Hellman, Merrick Rand | KU News Service | 5 |
Helmer, Charles R | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Hemphill, Matthew Alan | Custodial Services | 5 |
Henderson, Pat | Athletics Corporation | 20 |
Herstowski, Andrea Lee | Design | 20 |
Hill, Kelsey Eileen | Alumni Association | 10 |
Hillmer, Steven C. | Business | 45 |
Hines, Laura J. | Law School | 25 |
Hinkle, Chadwick A | Information Technology | 25 |
Hinman, Paula S | Higuchi Biosciences Center | 10 |
Hinman, Robin M. | Office of Research | 30 |
Hitoshi, Kehaulani K | Information Technology | 10 |
Hoch, Anthony Michael | Kansas Geological Survey | 5 |
Holder, Mark T | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 15 |
Holm, Carsten | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Holman, Benjamin J | Information Technology | 10 |
Holmes, Cheryl Lee | Social Welfare | 20 |
Holt, Christina Marie | Bureau of Child Research | 15 |
Horkman, Jeromy W. | Libraries-General | 15 |
Hornberger, Jason F | Provost Office | 20 |
Hornhuber, Christian | Physics and Astronomy | 5 |
Horvath, Dustin Marshall | Information Technology | 5 |
Hoskins, Joshua P | Information Technology | 5 |
Hout, Aaron L. | FS Maintenance Services | 20 |
Huang, Thomas Ming | Design | 20 |
Huber, Joseph Henry | Mathematics | 15 |
Huffman, Douglas Wayne | Curriculum & Teaching | 20 |
Huffman, Suzanne Maxine | Public Safety Office | 10 |
Hui, Dong Wei | Higuchi Biosciences Center | 25 |
Hui, Rongqing | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 25 |
Hultine, Donna Rachel | Transportation Services | 40 |
Humphrey, Jennifer L. | Bureau of Child Research | 20 |
Hundley, Kristin Michelle OConnor | Human Resource Management | 5 |
Huntley, Coral Sade | Analytics Inst Res & Effectnes | 5 |
Hurd, Timothy Paul | Intercollegiate Athletics | 35 |
Husic, Geoffrey W | Libraries-General | 35 |
Huslig, Michelle Renee | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 10 |
Hyland, Andrew David | Public Affairs | 10 |
Ilardi, Stephen Scott | Psychology | 25 |
Imel, Lauren E | Watkins Health Services | 5 |
Isaac, Todd J. | Information Technology | 25 |
Issa, Sandra Tompson | Applied English Center | 20 |
Ivanov, Julian Metodiev | Kansas Geological Survey | 20 |
Jackson, Andrew N | Information Technology | 10 |
Jackson, Joseph Daniel | Public Safety Office | 5 |
Jackson, Timothy A | Chemistry | 15 |
Jacobsen, Laura D. | Athletics Corporation | 25 |
Jahanbani, Sheyda Fatemeh Alexan | History | 15 |
Janzen, Marike S | Humanities | 15 |
Jarmolowicz, David Paul | Applied Behavioral Science | 10 |
Jedlicka, Jennifer J | Engineering Administration | 15 |
Jenkins, Scott Douglas | Philosophy | 15 |
Jess, Eliot Nathaniel | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Johanning, Deborah Lynn Headley | Alumni Association | 15 |
Johner, Stacy L | Bureau of Child Research | 15 |
Johnson, Christopher M. | Music | 30 |
Johnson, Corinna Lynn | Office of Research | 15 |
Johnson, Jason Walton | Information Technology | 5 |
Johnson, Melissa Elaine | Career & Experiential Learning | 10 |
Johnson, Rachel Sherman | International Affairs Admin | 5 |
Johnson, Ronald Dale | Custodial Services | 35 |
Johnson-Powell, Anthony Thomas B | Information Technology | 5 |
Jones, Breanna Yette | Office of Research | 5 |
Jones, Greg A | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Jones, Jeffrey M | Custodial Services | 10 |
Jones, Sabine Beate | Student Senate | 20 |
Jordan, Jennifer E. | Business Administration | 20 |
Jordan, Kristen M | Kansas Geological Survey | 10 |
Jorgensen, Erica Louise | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Josling, Craig Stephen | Procurement Services | 15 |
Joslyn, Mark Russell | Political Science | 25 |
Kamatuka, Ngondi A. | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 35 |
Kaminski, Megan J | English | 15 |
Kammerer, Karl Lynn | Business | 5 |
Kangas, George W. | Mathematics | 20 |
Kanost, Elizabeth Nicole | Spencer Museum of Art | 10 |
Karlin, Angela Lynn | Financial Aid & Scholarships | 5 |
Karuga, Gilbert Gathunguri | Business | 20 |
Kaufman, Jesse D | Information Technology | 15 |
Kaufman, Pat | Athletics Corporation | 10 |
Keating, John W | Economics | 25 |
Kellum, Penny Rae | Financial Services | 20 |
Kerwin, Sarah Rachelle | Transportation Services | 15 |
Keshmiri, Shawn Shahriar | Aerospace Engineering | 15 |
Kim, Minyoung | Business | 10 |
Kim, Taejoon | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 5 |
Kindscher, Kelly | Environmental Studies Program | 30 |
Kirk, Laura Ellen | Theatre and Dance | 10 |
Knauss, Brad Lee | Lied Center | 35 |
Koelper, Bradley Ryan | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Koenig, Terry Lea | Social Welfare | 20 |
Koester, Rylie Jo | Office of Research | 5 |
Kottman, Miloche R | Libraries-General | 35 |
Kratz, Anne Marie | Student Information Systems | 35 |
Krehbiel, Jacey K | Athletics Corporation | 5 |
Krieshok, Mia Jinae | Business Administration | 10 |
Kring, Lisa | KU Memorial Unions | 20 |
Krogull, Kurtis James | Business | 5 |
Kruzel, John David | Transportation Services | 30 |
Kucza, Joel H | FS Maintenance Services | 5 |
Kuczera, Krzysztof | Chemistry | 30 |
Kulkarni, Prasad Anil | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 15 |
Lafferty, Kathy A | Libraries-General | 35 |
Lancaster, Sonya J. | English | 25 |
Landau, Mark J | Psychology | 15 |
Lane, Kathleen Lynne | Office of Research | 10 |
Lane, Marilyn Frances | Molecular Biosciences | 30 |
Lang, Jeffrey | Mathematics | 35 |
Lanpher, Kirsten Adelle | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Larson, Kirk B | Environment Health & Safety | 15 |
Latare, Brendy Jean | Special Education | 5 |
Laverentz, Jennifer Racine | Ctr Remote Sensing Ice Sheets | 20 |
Lawrence, Melody K | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 15 |
Layman, Ronda Jones | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Leite, Rebecca Elizabeth | Office of Research | 5 |
Lemon, Hannah Michelle | Edwards Campus | 5 |
Leon, Mechele | Theatre and Dance | 20 |
Lewis, Micheal A | Procurement Services | 20 |
Li, Yexin | Business | 10 |
Lindsey, William Robert | Religious Studies | 20 |
Little, Christy Marie | KU News Service | 10 |
Little-Greenberg, Jessica Marie | University Academic Support Ct | 10 |
Liu, Sofia Galarza | Spencer Museum of Art | 20 |
Liu, Zhipeng | Mathematics | 5 |
London, Shala Dee | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 25 |
Londono Ramirez, Diana Patricia | Spanish & Portuguese | 5 |
Long, Jeffrey D. | Information Technology | 25 |
Look, Kurt K. | Kansas Geological Survey | 45 |
Losey, Aimee Crystal | Carruth SSC | 20 |
Loving, Angela Sue | Human Resource Management | 20 |
Lowry, Megan Elizabeth Solomon | Health Education Resource | 5 |
Luna, Kimmie Sue | Curriculum & Teaching | 5 |
Lundberg, Sara E | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 15 |
Lunte, Susan M. | Chemistry | 35 |
Lynch, David Stewart | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Lynch, Brendan M | KU News Service | 15 |
Lyon, Christopher J | Ctr Enviro Benefical Catalysis | 20 |
Lyons, Frances Adrienne | Journalism Administration | 15 |
Lytle, David A | Office of Research | 10 |
MacFarland, Michael Jason | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
MacGilvray, Colleen Kelly | Biodiversity Institute | 5 |
Machado, Raphael Pereira | University Press of Kansas | 5 |
Maestas, Michael V | Counseling/Psych Svcs | 15 |
Mailen, Nathanael Alexander | Public Safety Office | 5 |
Mailen, Troy J. | Public Safety Office | 35 |
Maloney, Laura Marie | Office of Research | 5 |
Mandel, Rolfe David | Kansas Geological Survey | 35 |
Mantzavinos, Dionyssios | Mathematics | 5 |
Marciel Jr., Walter C. | Athletics Corporation | 5 |
Marina, Areli Margarita | History of Art | 5 |
Marks, Ephrom S | Procurement Services | 10 |
Martin, Nathaniel F | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Matejkowski, Jason C | Social Welfare | 10 |
Matson, Wesley J | Custodial Services | 15 |
Matthews, Kristina Maria | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 20 |
McAferty, Debra R. | Bureau of Child Research | 30 |
McCaig, Lindsey Michelle | Engineering Administration | 20 |
McCain, Heather Joy | School of Professional Studies | 10 |
McCall, Sarah Elizabeth Renee | Social Welfare | 5 |
McCarty, Steven D | Information Technology | 20 |
McClung, Bradley T. | Information Technology | 35 |
McCurdy, Shima Omega Ortiz | Transportation Services | 20 |
McDowell, Kara Elizabeth | Office of Research | 10 |
McKenna, Thomas Patrick | KS Biological Survey | 5 |
McKenzie, Andrew R | Linguistics | 10 |
McKinney, Richard L | Provost Office | 40 |
McLaughlin, Craig A | Aerospace Engineering | 15 |
McLendon, Mary Elizabeth | Journalism | 10 |
McNair, Amy E. | History of Art | 30 |
Mechem, David B | Geography & Atmo Science | 15 |
Medvedev, Mikhail Viktorovich | Physics and Astronomy | 20 |
Mehmedovic, Jennifer Suzanne | Faculty Development | 25 |
Mendez, Monica Cristina | Bureau of Child Research | 10 |
Mendez, Stacy Kathleen | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 20 |
Mennerick, Mehrangiz N. | Sociology | 30 |
Merrill, Lile Neiasi | Budget Office | 15 |
Merritt, Robin Christine | Undergraduate Advising Ctr | 20 |
Metzler, Michael W | Law Enforcement Training Ctr | 10 |
Miao, Yinglong | Molecular Biosciences | 5 |
Mielke, Laura Lynn | English | 15 |
Miller, Darlene Marie | Strong Hall SSC | 15 |
Miller, Sean Harrison | Budget Office | 5 |
Mohr Jr, William G | Facilities Planning & Dvlpmnt | 10 |
Monet, Kira Edison | Applied Behavioral Science | 5 |
Monroe, Kasey A | Bureau of Child Research | 15 |
Montague, Samantha J. | College of Liberal Arts & Sci | 15 |
Moody, Jennifer M | KS Biological Survey | 15 |
Moon, HeeJung | Pharmacology & Toxicology | 10 |
Moon, Sonia Cazares | Custodial Services | 20 |
Moore, Matthew Dale | Electrical Engr & Comp Science | 5 |
Moreno, James J | Theatre and Dance | 10 |
Morris, Anthony Merrell | Information Technology | 15 |
Moss, Brian D | Libraries-General | 10 |
Mowen, Jeffrey E. | Information Technology | 25 |
Mullen, Tahirih Georgine | Libraries-General | 30 |
Mullenix, Kajsa Elizabeth | Bureau of Child Research | 5 |
Muma, Nancy Ann | Pharmacology & Toxicology | 15 |
Munoz, Joseph E | Journalism Administration | 15 |
Murphy, Mary E | Ctr for Online & Distance Lrn | 20 |
Murphy, Rebecca R | Carruth SSC | 15 |
Muset Jr, Robert Thomas | Custodial Services | 5 |
Muthuramalingam, Meenakumari | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 5 |
Mutz, Steven C | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Myers, Naomi | Athletics Corporation | 5 |
Myers, Elim Rosalva | Kansas Geological Survey | 10 |
Myers, Jennifer Lynn | Bureau of Child Research | 15 |
Nagel, Joane P. | Sociology | 45 |
Nau, Cynthia Lorrane | Bureau of Child Research | 5 |
Navarro, Sean Matthew | Academic Success | 5 |
Navinskey, Kerry Louise | Journalism | 15 |
Nemec, Megan Nicole | Housing Office Administration | 5 |
Nett, Dayona Rae | Housing Office Administration | 5 |
Neuman, Phillip Daniel | Housing Office Administration | 5 |
Nichols, Patricia Christine | KU Memorial Unions | 10 |
Niileksela, Christopher R | Educational Psychology | 10 |
Norman, Kory Lee | KU Memorial Unions | 10 |
Normandin Jr, Eugene V | FS Maintenance Services | 10 |
Norris, Mary Lee | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Novak, Jessica Good | Geology | 5 |
Ohlhausen, Kyndol L | Information Technology | 25 |
Olker, Janice | Law School | 5 |
Olson, Renee Michelle | Enrollment Mgmt Services | 10 |
Olson, Wade A | FS Maintenance Services | 25 |
O'Neil, Leslie Ellen | Music | 10 |
O'Neill, Lieschen Marianne | Enrollment Mgmt Services | 10 |
Orive, Maria E. | College of Liberal Arts & Sci | 25 |
Orr, Ronald Joseph | Spencer Museum of Art | 5 |
Orth, Sheila Marie | Libraries-General | 20 |
Ostermann, Russell Dean | Chemical & Petroleum Engr | 30 |
Otto, Matthew Logan | Music | 10 |
Paasch, Jennifer | Journalism Administration | 20 |
Paden, Aaron Thomas | Ctr Remote Sensing Ice Sheets | 15 |
Page, Kimberly D | Bureau of Child Research | 15 |
Parsons, Sheena M | KS Biological Survey | 10 |
Passman, Travis M | Information Technology | 10 |
Patterson, Meagan Michaud | Educational Psychology | 15 |
Patti, Bridget E | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Paul, Brenda L | Custodial Services | 10 |
Peper, Michael Tadesseh | Libraries-General | 5 |
Perera, Shirani Prasadani | Strong Hall SSC | 15 |
Peres, Debbra D | Libraries-General | 15 |
Perez, Cynthia Ann | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Perpich, Denise L | Analytics Inst Res & Effectnes | 20 |
Perry, Nicole K | Bureau of Child Research | 10 |
Peterson, Andy H. | FS Maintenance Services | 20 |
Phelps, Megan Elizabeth | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Pierotti, Raymond John | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 30 |
Pirnat-Greenberg, Marta | Slavic & Eurasian Langs & Lit | 20 |
Pittman, Jason K | Architecture Design | 5 |
Podrebarac, Dena Kay | KS Biological Survey | 15 |
Pokorney, Kevin M | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Pope, Anna Renee Desiree | Psychology | 5 |
Potter, Joshua D | Center for Teaching Excellence | 5 |
Potter, Nicole A | Kansas Geological Survey | 10 |
Price, Ritch | Athletics Corporation | 20 |
Prihoda, Matthew James | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Quisenberry, Aaron Sean | Transportation Services | 25 |
Rahn, David A | Geography & Atmo Science | 10 |
Rake, Lance Gordon | Design | 35 |
Ramirez, Carla G | Office of Research | 20 |
Randle, Jonathan M | Recreation Services | 10 |
Readinger, Michael H | Libraries-General | 20 |
Reaney, Mark D. | Theatre and Dance | 35 |
Reboulet, Edward Charles | Kansas Geological Survey | 15 |
Rector, Stephen K | Ctr Remote Sensing Ice Sheets | 5 |
Reed, Nathan James | Ctr for Online & Distance Lrn | 10 |
Regalado, Jose P. | Recreation Services | 20 |
Rennells, Matthew T | Physics and Astronomy | 5 |
Rhodd, Tanya Lavon | Information Technology | 30 |
Rhodes, Lindy Sue | CED-Marketing & Communications | 5 |
Richard, Bradley R | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Richards, Angela Dawn | Athletics Corporation | 5 |
Richter, Nicole | Army ROTC | 5 |
Rivera, Isidro | Spanish & Portuguese | 30 |
Roberts, Norman P. | Athletics Corporation | 10 |
Rock, Brian Allan | Civil/Environ/Arch Engineering | 30 |
Rodriguez-Morales, Fernando | Ctr Remote Sensing Ice Sheets | 15 |
Rogan, Christopher S | Physics and Astronomy | 5 |
Rogers, Shane W | Analytics Inst Res & Effectnes | 15 |
Rollf, Deborah Michelle | Financial Services | 25 |
Rortina, Michelle Dawn | Business | 5 |
Rosenberg, Michael | General Counsel | 10 |
Rosenthal, Benjamin Jay | Visual Art | 10 |
Rowland, Robert C. | Communication Studies | 35 |
Roy, Anuradha | Biomedical Services Labs | 15 |
Rule, Peggy L | Custodial Services | 5 |
Rush, Sarah Elizabeth | Physics and Astronomy | 5 |
Russell, Barbara Kay Rempel | Analytics Inst Res & Effectnes | 20 |
Russell, Michael J. | Environment Health & Safety | 30 |
Rutledge, Michele L | Law Administration | 15 |
Ryan Camenzind | Alumni Association | 5 |
Saalweachter, Rachel Elizabeth | Office of Research | 10 |
Saatcioglu, Argun | Ed Leadership & Policy Studies | 15 |
Sack, Sara S. | Bureau of Child Research | 30 |
Saint Onge, Jarron Michael | Sociology | 10 |
Saleh-Birdjandi, Soraia | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 5 |
Sanders, Cindy Suzanne | Enrollment Mgmt Services | 25 |
Sanderson, Joel D | Information Technology | 10 |
Sato, Maki | History of Art | 15 |
Scales, Suzanne Agnes | Journalism Administration | 15 |
Schaefer, Alexander J | Mathematics | 5 |
Scheirman, Holly Joy | Academic Success | 5 |
Schinze, Anthony J | Edwards Campus | 5 |
Schneider, Blair Benson | Kansas Geological Survey | 5 |
Schoeneich, Christian | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 30 |
Scholz, Sue Woolley | Business | 25 |
Schoneweis, Mark | Kansas Geological Survey | 35 |
Schuster, Jonathan G | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Scott, Erik Rattazzi | Russian E Euro & Eurasian Std | 10 |
Seasholtz, Christopher David | School of Professional Studies | 5 |
Seib, Lawrence L. | Molecular Structures Group | 30 |
Serbet, Rudolph | Biodiversity Institute | 25 |
Shepard, Rebecca Dawn | Custodial Services | 20 |
Shew, Teresa Dawn | Engineering Administration | 15 |
Shields, Zachary David | Design | 5 |
Shipman, Michelle Lee | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Shobe, Donald B. | Eaton Hall SSC | 25 |
Shogren, Karrie Ann | Bureau of Child Research | 10 |
Shrum, Brian P | Bureau of Child Research | 10 |
Silva, Kapila Dharmasena | Architecture Design | 15 |
Silvers, Kathryn Leurenia | Business Administration | 5 |
Singh, Surendra N. | Business | 40 |
Slack, Debra Dawn | Law Enforcement Training Ctr | 5 |
Smart, Thomas O | Custodial Services | 10 |
Smith, Cote Nicholas | Athletics Corporation | 5 |
Smith, Kylie Marie | Music Administration | 10 |
Snider, Amanda J | Center for East Asian Studies | 5 |
Sodders, Daniel R | Libraries-General | 25 |
Song, Kwangok | Curriculum & Teaching | 5 |
Sood, Parul | Applied English Center | 10 |
Spence, James R | KU Memorial Unions | 10 |
Spencer, Jeanette Marie | Bureau of Child Research | 15 |
Spencer, Paulette | Mechanical Engineering | 15 |
Spencer, Sara Marie | Bureau of Child Research | 10 |
Spohrer Jr, Aaron Michael | Edwards Campus | 25 |
Stadler, Aaron Christopher | Environment Health & Safety | 5 |
Stamm, Malgorzata E | Libraries-General | 35 |
Stansberry, Glen L | Information Technology | 5 |
Steed, Molly Elizabeth | Pharmacy Practice | 10 |
Stevens, Nicholas D | Analytics Inst Res & Effectnes | 15 |
Stevenson, Shala Shashaty | Lied Center | 25 |
Stewart, Elissa Ruth | Eaton Hall SSC | 5 |
Stinson, Philip Todd | Classics | 15 |
Stock, Paul V | Sociology | 10 |
Struble, Dustin Blake | Student Affairs | 10 |
Sturm, Belinda Sue McSwain | Office of Research | 15 |
Suber, Leonard | Custodial Services | 25 |
Subramanian, Jaichandar | Pharmacology & Toxicology | 5 |
Swinburne Romine, Rebecca Ester | Bureau of Child Research | 10 |
Swoyer, Carla Jean | Procurement Services | 15 |
Symonds, Stephen Robert | Law Enforcement Training Ctr | 10 |
Symons, Irina | Philosophy | 5 |
Symons, John Francis | Economics | 10 |
Syrett, Nicholas L | Women Gender & Sexuality Stds | 5 |
Syvongsay, Saokham | Mechanical Engineering | 10 |
Takeyama, Akiko | Women Gender & Sexuality Stds | 15 |
Talata, Zsolt | Mathematics | 15 |
Tang, Weiming | KU Memorial Unions | 15 |
Tangpuz, Juniper Albert | Architecture Design | 5 |
Taylor Jr, Buddy Lee | FS Maintenance Services | 10 |
Taylor, Kenneth Anthony | Custodial Services | 10 |
Tell, David William | Communication Studies | 15 |
Tenpas, Peter W. | Mechanical Engineering | 35 |
Terranova, Leah Joyce | Law Administration | 10 |
Thirion, Karen Elizabeth Moeller | Pharmacy Practice | 20 |
Thomas, Kelli Ruth | Education Administration | 20 |
Thomas, Michael L | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Thompson, Corrie A. | International Admissions | 30 |
Thompson, Mark Andrew | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Tiemann, Gail C | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 20 |
Timmons, Lisa D | Molecular Biosciences | 20 |
Todd, Alexandra Jo | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Todd, Seth D | Carruth SSC | 5 |
Todd, Tina M | Custodial Services | 10 |
Tollefson, Julie Mangan | Kansas Geological Survey | 25 |
Tosaka, Shuichiro | Business Administration | 15 |
Toulouse, Sharon Lee | Music | 10 |
Tran, Saron Tech | Information Technology | 5 |
Tremblay, Annie | Linguistics | 10 |
Tso, Pamela | Carruth SSC | 5 |
Tunge, Jon A | Chemistry | 20 |
Uddin, Altaf | Information Technology | 15 |
Unruh, Kathryn Elaine | Bureau of Child Research | 5 |
Urban, Ashley Lynette | Graduate Studies | 10 |
Van Vleck, Erik Scott | Mathematics | 20 |
Vannaman, Robbie L. | General Counsel | 40 |
Vaoifi, Bradlee Tuitoga | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Vaughn, Grace A | Enrollment Mgmt Services | 15 |
Vayner, Boris Y | Music | 5 |
Veisi, Masoumeh | Kansas Geological Survey | 5 |
Vignola-Rogers, Michele Helen | Dole Institute of Politics | 5 |
Villeareal, Enedina | Carruth SSC | 25 |
Virtue, Rick J | FS Maintenance Services | 15 |
Visocsky, Keith Allen | FS Maintenance Services | 25 |
Vogel, Michelle Lucile | Carruth SSC | 5 |
Vyatkina, Nina | Department of German Studies | 15 |
Wade, Jordan Lee | University Registrar | 5 |
Walden, Julia Kay | Financial Services | 10 |
Walker, Kristina Elizabeth | Spencer Museum of Art | 25 |
Wallace, Emily E | Department of German Studies | 5 |
Wamelink, Jennifer Burlingham | Student Affairs | 25 |
Wang, Quan | Physics and Astronomy | 5 |
Wang, Wenhao | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Wang, Zhi Jian | Aerospace Engineering | 10 |
Ward, Michelle M | Study Abroad and Global Engmt | 20 |
Watanabe, Yuki K | International Support Services | 15 |
Waters, Sarah E | Housing Office Administration | 5 |
Watts, Angela B | Spencer Museum of Art | 15 |
Weatherley, Gillian A | French, Francophone & Italian | 10 |
Webb, Cheryl Ann | Business Administration | 15 |
Weinhold, Frank E | Pharmacy Practice | 20 |
Weir, Joseph P | Health Sport &Exercise Science | 10 |
Weis, David Daniel | Chemistry | 15 |
Wellinghoff, Alison Hope | Business Administration | 15 |
Welsh, Peter | Museum Studies | 10 |
Wendel-Hummell, Carrie Lyne | Social Welfare | 10 |
Werninger, Stephen K | Information Technology | 10 |
Wheatley, Justin Dalton | Marketing Communications | 5 |
Whisenant, Johnny S | Business | 10 |
Whisenant, Lori Ann | Business | 10 |
White, John R | Ctr for Online & Distance Lrn | 20 |
White, Verneta Lynnette | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 15 |
Whitehead, Fred R | Public Safety Office | 15 |
Whitten, Arlene F | Molecular Biosciences | 5 |
Wilkins, Michael Stamper | Business | 5 |
Williams, JoAnn M. | Analytics Inst Res & Effectnes | 35 |
Williams, Linette A | KU Card Center | 20 |
Williams, Victoria Ann | Libraries-General | 15 |
Wilson, Ashleigh Faith | Sexuality and Gender Diversity | 5 |
Wilson, Blake B | Kansas Geological Survey | 20 |
Wilson, Jamie Kaye | Undergraduate Advising Ctr | 5 |
Wilson, Leslie Ann | Undergraduate Advising Ctr | 5 |
Wilson, Ronald Wayne | Film and Media Studies | 20 |
Wilson, William Blake | Law Library | 15 |
Wittman, Kimberly | Office of Research | 10 |
Wolfe, Erin D | Libraries-General | 10 |
Wolfe, Laura Ann | Strong Hall SSC | 5 |
Wolfe, Michael Scott | Medicinal Chemistry | 5 |
Woodrick, Roberta Graham | Libraries-General | 15 |
Woods, John Joseph | Kansas Geological Survey | 15 |
Woodson, Mary Elizabeth | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 5 |
Wooten, Katrina Bryn | KU Memorial Unions | 10 |
Wooten, Lacretia Patrease | Achievement & Assessment Inst | 10 |
Wooters, Charles David | Information Technology | 5 |
Wu, Qiju | Pharmacy Practice | 10 |
Wu, Xiaoqing | Higuchi Biosciences Center | 10 |
Wyatt, David Duane | FS Maintenance Services | 5 |
Xin, Xin | Physics and Astronomy | 10 |
Yoon, HeeJung Jessie | Office of Research | 10 |
Young, Damon J. | Athletics Corporation | 5 |
Young, Lisa Kay | KU Memorial Unions | 5 |
Young, Robert William | Physics and Astronomy | 15 |
Yun, Kyoim | East Asian Languages&Cultures | 15 |
Yung, Corey Rayburn | Law School | 10 |
Zeeman, Denton Ashley | Business | 10 |
Zelnick, Stephanie Neal | Music | 15 |
Zerr, JoAnn H | Athletics Corporation | 20 |
Zhang, Fufen | Information Technology | 10 |
Zhao, Hui | Physics and Astronomy | 15 |