Writing Position Descriptions

A clear and detailed position description is the key to quickly recruiting a qualified candidate specifically for your job. To write the position description, you must include a Job Title, Overview of the Position, Key Job Duties, and Required or Preferred Qualifications.

Position descriptions for existing faculty and staff positions are retained in the University’s Perceptive Content system and may be accessed by position number, or you may contact your Talent Acquisition team member who can provide you a copy. Any position descriptions which have been modified or updated may also be sent to your Talent Acquisition team member to store in our centralized campus repository.

If you need assistance in writing a position descriptions, we can help. Training on how to write position descriptions is available by contacting hrrecruitment@ku.edu.

If you are creating or updating a position description to launch a posting or facilitate a recruitment exception, it is important to acquire approval from your manager/supervisor or budgetary hierarchy prior to moving forward. Upon approval, launch your search by by notifying your Talent Acquisition Team member. Prior to posting, your TA Representative will review the request, and set up position details within the HR/Pay system and post your search.