August 2024 Pay Increase

This page provides details on the 2024 pay increase announced by Provost Bichelmeyer on 6/12/24. Please review the details regarding pay increase instructions for the employee groups below.

Wage Increases and Eligibility by Employee Groups

Unclassified Professional and University Support Staff

Active Unclassified Professional Staff (UPS) and University Support Staff (USS) in regular and temporary positions as of 6/30/24 (including employees on leave with or without pay), will receive a 2.0% pay increase effective 8/18/24. The increase will appear in the 9/13/24 paycheck.

Units may fund their own pay adjustments above the 2% pay increase. An HR load process to HR/Pay will be done based on data provided by the Budget Officers. Budget Officers will be provided with their collection template instructions via email and will subsequently communicate with their units directly.

  • The deadline for submitting self-funded pay adjustments to HR is 7/29/24. This will require Budget Officers to establish an earlier deadline for their units.
  • Review will occur by HR upon receipt of the Budget Officer's files. The Finance/Budget Office will review the collection templates and may reach out if there are questions concerning the availability of adequate non-project funding
  • PAFs (personnel action forms) should not be submitted, and requests should not be submitted to the HR Transactions Team for this process.


Faculty and Academic Staff

As identified in the Provost's June 12, 2024, memo, the pay increase process for union covered positions has changed. KU intends to submit a proposal for an increase, which will require review by several parties, including the union and the Kansas Board of Regents. The timing of an increase will be dependent upon the approval process. Our goal would be to time the increase with the start of the academic year, effective no sooner than 8/18/24.


Graduate Teaching Assistants

All returning GTAs will see a 2.5% increase over last year’s rate. The minimum salary for GTAs is 2.5% higher than last year.

The increase will NOT be managed centrally like in previous years. Departments will be responsible for inputting the mandatory GTA salary increases via the 3G Workflow process.

Detailed instructions were provided to the 3G Workflow users on 6/11/24. Questions may be directed to the HR Transactions Team.

Units may fund their own pay adjustments above the 2.5% increase if the GTA is eligible (no written disciplinary actions during FY24) by reflecting the appropriate biweekly rate on the new 3G form.

  • PAFs (personnel action forms) should not be submitted, and requests should not be submitted to the HR Transactions Team for this process.


Graduate Research Assistants and Graduate Assistants

All current or returning GRA’s and GA’s who were hired during the 2023-2024 academic year will see a 2.5% pay increase effective 8/18/24. The increase will be reflected on the 9/13/24 paycheck.

This increase will be managed centrally by HR. No action is needed from units for the 2.5% increase to be applied for ongoing GRAs and GAs.

  • The biweekly rate entered on 3G forms submitted to hire, rehire, or update GRAs and GAs with effective dates on or before 8/18/24 will have the 2.5% increase added centrally by HR. Be advised, HR will not reverse centrally applied increases.
  • Units that wish to provide an eligible (i.e., no written disciplinary actions during FY24)  GRA or GA an additional increase on top of the 2.5%, please submit a Position Data Update form via the 3G workflow which will be processed after the 2.5% has been applied.


Residential Graduate Assistants (ACD & REGA)

All current or returning Residential Graduate Assistants who were hired during the 2023-2024 academic year will see a 2.5% increase. The People Support AVP will work directly with Student Housing to ensure increases are applied timely and accurately.


Affiliate unit employees

Leaders of each affiliate unit, such as the Kansas Union and KU Athletics, will determine wage adjustments and related effective dates for employees in those units.


Ineligibility for Wage Increases

Active USS and UPS in regular or temporary positions hired or rehired after 6/30/24.

KU New Minimum Wage

  • Beginning the 6/9/24 pay period, all regular, Unclassified Professional and Unclassified Support Staff positions have been brought up to the federal contractor minimum wage of $17.20 an hour.
  • Beginning with the 8/4/24 pay period, the student and temporary employee minimum hourly rate will be increased to $10.25 per hour. HR will increase those impacted to the new minimum on their current funding source centrally. PAFs (personnel action forms) should not be submitted. Additional increases for student hourly employees must follow the fall processing activities.
  • Employees funded on federal contracts and assistance awards may be subject to different minimum rates. For more information, contact your Office of Research Award Management team member. All other increases will follow the current process for student compensation.

Questions and Answers

Yes, units may self-fund additional pay increases at their discretion (based on the eligibility instructions above). Instructions differ by employee group. Please review the information by employee category above. For self-funded UPS and USS staff increases, please contact your budget officer.

No. The increase will be applied, without exception, to eligible employees as stated above. Unit leaders, managers and supervisors cannot lower the pay adjustment percentage.

These appointments will be provided the pay increase on the temporary interim rate. Upon return to their regular appointment, the pay increase will be added based on the original appointment rate. This may be in addition to prior years pay adjustment, if applicable.

Yes, employees on PIP’s are eligible for the pay increase, but it would not be expected for them to be eligible for any self-funded adjustments.

Funding will be provided to units to cover the pay increase for salary and fringe cost for budgeted filled and vacant positions on general use funds.

Units will cover pay adjustment costs for employees on all other funding sources (e.g., course fees, grants, KU endowment, auxiliaries, other funds), as well as any self-funded increases.

Employer cost (gross pay and employer deductions) will be distributed as usual based on the funding source(s) identified in HR/Pay. 

If areas have identified a change to the existing funding sources or distribution to fund the increase, they will need to submit a funding change request.

Employees on probation are eligible for the pay increase but are not eligible for the additional self-funded adjustment if available within the work unit.

The pay increase will be based on the compensation rate as of 8/18/24 for eligible employee. See instructions above.

No, they are not eligible for the pay increase or the self-funded adjustment. The staff member should be in a continuing status from 6/30/24 to 8/18/24.

No, this employee must active as of 6/30/24 on our KU (HR/Pay) payroll to be eligible.

As long as the staff member has held a appointment since 6/30/24 without a break in service (e.g. termination/rehire) they are eligible.