University Core Competencies

University Leadership had identified nine University Core Competencies upon which all employees will be evaluated in the Performance Management System. Competencies are realistic, observable behaviors that relate to performance and goals.


Accepts responsibility for own actions and decisions and demonstrates commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient and cost-effective manner.


Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • reluctant to handle problems
  • identifies but does not rectify own mistakes/responsibilities
  • manages priorities, however struggles with disorganization and/or time management
  • lacks sense of urgency, poor time management
  • inconsistently completes cost effective work, does not seek out other ways to save
  • strives, but struggles to habitually make ethical decisions/actions
  • effectively and consistently applies independent problem solving
  • embraces mistakes, takes initiative to improve own work
  • sets and executes priorities thoroughly and efficiently
  • completes work effectively and efficiently
  • demonstrates consistent cost effectiveness in all components of work
  • reliably and regularly makes ethical decisions/actions
  • excels at independent problem solving
  • welcomes mistakes, adapts own work to improve the organization
  • institutes and integrates priorities to maximize organization efficiency
  • models supreme time management through organization and execution
  • maximizes cost effectiveness through targeted incorporation of all possible resources
  • delivers and encourages model ethical decisions/actions


Adjusts planned work by gathering relevant information and applying critical thinking to address multiple demands and competing priorities in a changing environment.


Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • identifies problems, lacks creative problem solving skills
  • critical of work without offering constructive input
  • does not collect all necessary information/materials to complete tasks
  • unnecessarily harsh in critiquing others, their work, and suggested changes
  • struggles to formulate/connect ideas with problems
  • offers and implements creative solutions to problems
  • analyzes material and suggests new ideas/approaches
  • gathers relevant information to complete projects and answer questions
  • recognizes and accepts others, their work, and suggested changes
  • develops and supports relevant connections between ideas and problems
  • develops and integrates creative solutions that maximize the organization's resources
  • evaluates work, offers new ideas/solutions, seeks constructive feedback
  • prepares and simplifies relevant information to easily and comprehensively inform the target audience
  • encourages others by nurturing a safe space for their work, suggested changes, and constructive organizational dialog
  • formulates connections between ideas and problems, aligns these components with the organization's long-term goals


Effectively conveys information and expresses thoughts and facts. Demonstrates effective use of listening skills and displays openness to other people’s ideas and thoughts.


Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • poor listener
  • distracted during individual and/or group interactions
  • provides ideas/comments that are difficult to follow and uses overly complex language
  • unreliable in sharing information, messages are often unclear and/or lack key details
  • demonstrates negative, disinterested, and/or pretentious behavior
  • actively listens to others, offers thoughts/feedback
  • gives full attention in various settings
  • shares practical ideas/comments through focused language/methods
  • regularly shares thorough information with team members
  • demonstrates respectful, capable, and/or eager behavior
  • listens purposely, provides feedback/questions that spark discussion
  • pays full attention, constructively engages the speaker(s)
  • articulates ideas/comments through targeted language/methods that encourage others and formulate action
  • reliable and consistent in communicating with team members, information is always organized, detailed, and streamlined
  • demonstrates open, engaging, enthusiastic, hard-working, and/or genuine behavior

Customer/Quality Focus

Anticipates, monitors, and meets the needs of customers and responds to them in an appropriate manner.  Demonstrates a personal commitment to identify customers’ apparent and underlying needs and continually seeks to provide the highest quality service and product to all customers.

Customer/Quality Focus

Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • unfamiliar with service policies/procedures, disorganized and/or unreliable in executing them
  • disengaged and unprofessional in customers interactions
  • erratic, unpredictable, and/or untimely customer communication and follow-through
  • lacks commitment to customer and/or quality work, easily distracted
  • unaware of own work (i.e. quality, timeliness, etc.), no self-initiative
  • knowledgeable about service policies/procedures, dependable and/or thorough in executing them
  • understanding and professional in customer interactions
  • predictable, thorough, and prompt customer communication and follow-through
  • values customers and quality work, highly productive
  • mindful of work, responsive to feedback
  • educated and experienced with service policies/procedures, takes responsibility for and reliably executes these to meet customer's apparent and underlying needs
  • empathetic, respectful, and extremely professional in customer interactions, trustworthy
  • reliable, timely, detailed customer communication and follow through
  • prioritizes customers and quality work, exceptionally productive and self-motivated
  • invites feedback about work, recognizes/reframes personal weaknesses to stimulate/maximize improvement


Demonstrates an ongoing and active contribution to creating a welcoming workplace and campus environment free from bias and harassment by modeling inclusive behaviors and interactions with the campus community. An inclusive employee aims for personal growth in empathy, self-awareness, and understanding.  This competency does not seek to evaluate any particular ideology.


Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • resistant, combative, and/or unprofessional in interactions involving different points of view
  • fails to acknowledge and/or participates in behaviors that conflict with the organization's mission, vision, and/or values
  • behaves in ways that differ/violate the organization's goals, lacks genuine commitment to organization's progress/missions/goals
  • places personal goals ahead of organizational commitments/goals
  • cynical/negative about organization and/or its strategic vision/goals
  • holds no personal commitment to organization, behavior outside the workplace consequently negatively affects organization
  • respectful, open, and engaging to other points of view
  • acknowledges and takes initiative to respond to individual/group actions that conflict with the organization's mission, vision, and/or values
  • aligns actions with organization's goals, eager and proud of organization's progress/mission/goals
  • prioritizes organizational goals over individual success
  • positive about organization and its strategic vision/goals, otherwise offers/acts upon constructive criticism
  • values organization's reputation, strives to promote/enhance organization outside the workplace
  • encourages different points of view, models and fosters a respectful work environment, supports others
  • recognizes and resolves issues regarding individual/group actions that conflict with the organization's mission, vision, and/or values
  • shapes personal actions to maximally serve organization, enthusiastic about sharing and modeling organization's progress/missions/goals
  • confident and encouraging about organization and its strategic vision/goals, welcomes constructive criticism and then works to resolve/rectify reasonable complaints
  • embraces organization as part of one's personal identity, invested in supporting/enriching organization outside of the workplace


Develops new insights into situations and applies creative solutions to make organizational improvements and meet challenges.  Creates a work environment that encourages original thinking and innovation.  Designs and executes novel processes and approaches to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of work assignments.


Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • lacks direction in initiating new ways to strengthen performance
  • struggles to be effective, imaginative, and independent in problem solving solutions
  • criticizes changes, does not provide corrective solutions
  • lacks self-motivation and initiative, procrastinates
  • unaware, uncommitted, unenthusiastic about performance of self and/or others
  • struggles to provide unique contributions, unable to understand/appreciate repercussions of work
  • fails to provide quality work
  • implements new ways to strengthen performance
  • reliable and resourceful in independent problem solving
  • embraces changes, offers constructive feedback when in disagreement
  • self-motivated, strives for originality in work
  • monitors performance, takes action when necessary
  • creative thinking, recognizes importance of individual responsibilities
  • values quality work
  • initiates/executes new methods/solutions to maximize performance through use of unprecedented ideas/resources
  • consistent and inventive in independent problem solving, constantly makes efforts to teach/inform others throughout process
  • welcomes changes, generates discussion/support while facilitating environments for healthy, meaningful feedback
  • role models self-motivation and creativity, inspires/provokes high standards from others
  • establishes expectations, nurtures strong performance, stimulates action
  • cultivates inventiveness, challenges/supports others, leads by example
  • prioritizes quality work


Communicates personal vision and the University’s vision in ways that gain the support of others.  Mentors, motivates and guides others toward goals.


Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • uncommitted to and/or misunderstands organization's vision/goals, indifferent about improvement
  • apathetic toward others, and their work to achieve their goals and the goals of the organization
  • motivates others through "one size fits all" approach, recognizes but does not go out of the way to encourage/promote individual/group relationships
  • recognizes/considers individual/team goals in conjunction with the vision of the organization
  • consumed in organization's present state/situation, struggles to recognize bigger scale/repercussions
  • professional and personal commitments contradict each other
  • fails to provide information, vision, and values to necessary individuals
  • interested and committed to organization's vision/goals, motivated for improvement
  • consistently supports others in their work to achieve their goals and the goals of the organization
  • offers personal support/motivation to others, fosters individual/group relationships
  • aligns and acts upon connections between individual/team goals and the vision of the organization
  • considers future goals in formulating/acting on present standards
  • genuine support for the organization bridges professional and personal life
  • shares information, vision, and values to all necessary individuals
  • passionate and articulate about organization's vision/goals, relentlessly strives for improvement
  • continuously motivates, mentors, and guides others toward their goals and the goals of the organization
  • adapts support/motivation to others' individual needs, unprecedented commitment to individual/group relationships
  • evaluates, ensures, and encourages connections between individual/team goals and the vision of the organization
  • forward thinking, purposefully establishes goals/standards to successfully achieve long-term progress
  • advocates for organization professionally and personally, sincere dedication
  • communicates information, vision, and values to all individuals, transparent in their individual/group work

Occupational Knowledge/Technology Orientation

Demonstrates the appropriate level of proficiency in the principles and practices of one’s field or profession.  Demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, to include understanding and application of technology (hardware, software, equipment and processes).

Occupational Knowledge/Technology Orientation

Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • follows technological and/or professional (skills) changes when needed/requested, does not initiate these efforts
  • completes basic/requested tasks, lacks inspiration and desire to improve
  • relies on others for help, does not contribute new or relevant information to organizational discussions, unwilling to extend personal responsibilities
  • understands basic technical aspects of job, related systems, etc
  • attends trainings (conferences, associations, programs, etc.), struggles/fails to implement new information/skills into work
  • embraces/adapts to technological and/or professional (skills) changes, stays up-to-date
  • applies knowledge creatively and effectively to achieve target results
  • helps others learn new information/skills, shares knowledge freely
  • knows all functions of job, related systems, etc. and can easily share/help others using this information
  • pursues trainings (conferences, associations, programs, etc.) in order to maintain a high level of technical expertise
  • seeks out newest technological and/or professional (skills) changes, at the cutting edge
  • integrates expertise through efficient, imaginative, resourceful work in order to maximize results/performance
  • cultivates a learning environment by teaching/helping others regularly and leading by example, considered an expert in field
  • understands and has mastered all functions/expectations of job, related systems, etc., takes on leadership role to share expertise with others
  • seeks out/facilitates/teaches trainings (conferences, associations, programs, etc.) in order to sustain and grow a high level of technical expertise

Team Focus

Works cooperatively and effectively with others to achieve common goals.  Participates in building a group identity characterized by pride, trust and commitment.

Team Focus

Needs ImprovementMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
  • inconsistent and unsatisfactory in fulfilling/meeting responsibilities and deadlines
  • exhibits harsh behavior, overly critical of others and their work
  • attitude/action damages professional relationships with others
  • questions team, leaders, and vision of organization based on unreliable information, creates pessimistic workplace environment
  • poor listener, close-minded about new ideas/changes, struggles to fully support team efforts
  • unreliable in communicating necessary information, often involved in conflict, unwilling to compromise
  • reliably establishes and meets responsibilities and deadlines with thorough work
  • supportive of others/team, can offer constructive criticism
  • builds solid working relationships with others, respected in workplace
  • supports team, leaders, and vision of organization through active/consistent participation
  • good listener, open-minded and engaged team participant
  • shares information well, able to recognize and resolve personal conflicts
  • sets and achieves responsibilities and deadlines through consistent, early (execution of tasks), exceptional work
  • helps/support others, can offer/facilitate/act upon meaningful constructive feedback
  • develops genuine/strong relationships with all people (professionally and personally), supports others, considered a valued member (with opinions) in the workplace
  • helps/shapes team, leaders, and vision of organization through positive/engaging behavior and consistent/effective involvement
  • excellent/involved listener, open to new ideas and feedback, facilitates healthy discussions in workplace
  • communicates all necessary information effectively/easily, able and willing to identify and resolve personal or group conflicts