Annual Required Trainings

As KU faculty and staff members, we have a responsibility to help build and support a healthy and vibrant campus community that fosters the well-being of all Jayhawks. Our annual required harassment prevention and IT security trainings reinforce a shared understanding of our community values and collective responsibilities. Faculty and staff also are encouraged to participate in an optional diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging learning module focusing on creating a culture where everyone feels included, empowered and valued.

The three learning modules are now available in MyTalent. Please complete the required IT security and harassment prevention modules by March 19. You can find the modules by clicking on the links at the bottom of this message, or by logging in to the MyTalent system and clicking on “Annual KUL Training” under the “Learning” section on the home page. Scroll down for detailed instructions that will guide you in how to access these modules.

If the material in the Harassment Prevention training could be triggering and you think you might have difficulty completing the learning module, please contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX at or 785-864-6414.

You can complete the modules all at once, or at different times. The modules are largely self-paced, and the total time to complete all three modules is approximately two hours. We encourage you to complete them as soon as possible. Beginning Feb. 26, you will receive weekly email reminders until you have completed both the IT security module and the harassment prevention module.

If you should have additional questions or needs, please reach out to

Annual Training FAQs

The law links inside the courses are coded to open in a new browser window. When this happens, the training window is pushed backward on the screen. Go to the bottom task bar on your monitor, hover over your internet browser icon (Chrome, FireFox, Edge, etc) and you’ll see all the windows there, then select the course player screen to return to it.

You must complete the required IT security and harassment prevention learning modules by Sunday, March 19. The training due date is listed in the emails about the training, as well as published with the training in MyTalent Assignments.

For each training you complete in MyTalent, you can find a certificate and date of completion in your Learning History.

  1. Click on the Learning tile
  2. Then click View All in the History tile
  3. To view the certificate of completion, click the printer icon under the Action column to the right of the course title

Employees who are on leave of absence throughout the training window are not required to complete their training until they return to work. Upon return, they should complete the training as soon as possible and advise their supervisor of completion.

Completing the Annual Trainings

All three learning modules are available by selecting the direct links below, or by logging in to the MyTalent system and clicking on “Annual KUL Training” under the “Learning” section on the home page.

Harassment Prevention (required)

The Taking Action to Prevent Sexual Harassment module will help you understand your responsibilities as a mandatory reporter and what steps you can and should take if you become aware of an incident of discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence.

This professional development is a partnership between the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX and Human Resource Management. If this material could be triggering and you think you might have difficulty completing the Harassment Prevention learning module, please contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX at or 785-864-6414.

  • The module takes approximately 40 minutes to complete.
  • It will appear in the “For You Today” section after you log into the MyTalent system, and will remain there until you complete the module.
  • You must go through the entire module. Simply logging in or partially completing the module will not register as “complete.”
  • If you experience technical issues, please contact Human Resource Management at

IT Security Awareness (required)

As faculty and staff, we have access to confidential personal, academic, research and proprietary data. That access comes with a responsibility to protect the information and help safeguard our campus systems. The Understanding Information Security module provides simple steps you can take to protect yourself, your colleagues, your students and the University of Kansas.

  • The module takes approximately 20-25 minutes to complete.
  • It will appear in the “For You Today” section after you log into the MyTalent system, and will remain there until you complete the module.
  • You must go through the entire module. Simply logging in or partially completing the module will not register as “complete.”
  • If you experience technical issues, please contact Human Resource Management at

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (recommended)

The work of fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging begins with increasing self-awareness and building intercultural competency. The Managing Bias module helps establish a shared language and understanding of these concepts and of the responsibility we all share to name and confront bias and discrimination.

  • The module takes approximately 40 minutes to complete.
  • If you experience technical issues, please contact Human Resource Management at