Staff Performance Evaluations
The performance evaluation is a review based upon an individual’s job performance and assigned duties. A supervisor typically looks at an employee’s skills and accomplishments during a specific time period and tracks whether the employee has lived up to expectations, exceeded them, or failed to meet desired results.
Ideally, performance evaluations provide a stepping-stone for the employee and supervisor to identify and discuss areas where performance can be improved. It can also be an important opportunity for employee and manager expectations to be reinforced or clarified.
Types of Evaluations
Staff Evaluations
University policy requires that Unclassified Professional Staff (UPS) and University Support Staff (USS) employees receive a formal, written performance evaluation by the supervisor at least once a year within the Performance Management System. Evaluations are a mechanism to provide feedback and documentation about an employee’s performance through a defined time period, and can provide clear communication of job expectations and goals. Performance Evaluations also can serve as a constructive tool that assists mentoring employees on areas of employee development and improvement.
Faculty Evaluations
Each faculty member shall be evaluated annually using criteria and methods appropriate to that unit for teaching, scholarship, and service. Specific criteria and procedures are identified in each department's faculty evaluation plan.
Student Evaluations
In order to assist Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in developing their instructional skills, academic units are required to provide GTAs with regular, written performance evaluations. For more information about the University’s expectations and requirements for academic units in managing GTA performance evaluations and processes associated with those evaluations, please refer to the Policy on Performance Evaluations for Graduate Teaching Assistants.