Employee Recognition Ceremony and Service Awards
Annual Employee Recognition Program
Each spring, HR hosts an Annual Employee Recognition Program where a number of awards are presented. All employees are encouraged to attend the ceremony. Announcements highlighting the event are sent by email, posted in KU Today, and included in the KU Calendar of Events.

KU Service Award
Employees receive a service pin for every five years of eligible service. At the milestone of 20 eligible years of service, and every five years thereafter, they will receive a memento or gift in addition to a service pin. Employees who are deemed eligible to receive a service award will be announced in the spring, prior to the date of the Annual Employee Recognition Program.
State of Kansas Service Award
The State of Kansas honors state employees who have served the state for 10 years or more and in 10 year increments thereafter. The fiscal year is used by the state to calculate eligibility.
HR provides the State of Kansas Service Pins to campus departments to award to their eligible employees. Faculty and staff with 40 or 50 years of State service are invited to a reception with the Governor in Topeka. HR will assist honorees with coordinating participation in this event.