Employee Health Insurance
The University of Kansas offers benefits eligible employees a comprehensive health insurance package that includes medical and prescription drug coverage, dental and vision coverage, and Voluntary Insurance Plans (Accident, Hospital Indemnity and Critical Illness). Complete information can be found at the State Employee Health Plan (SEHP) website, linked below.
- All Benefits eligible faculty and staff are eligible for employee health insurance.
- SEHP coverage will be effective as of the hire date. Enrolling as soon possible after hire will help ensure you receive insurance cards timely and that payroll deductions begin timely.
- Prepaid Summer Benefits are available for Eligible Faculty and Staff
Effective Date of Coverage
New employees are eligible for coverage to be effective the date of hire,and enrollment is required within the first 31 calendar days of employment. Employees newly eligible for coverage due to position or FTE change have 31 days to enroll and coverage will begin the first of the month following the change in employment.
Employees are encouraged to enroll as soon after hire as possible. This will assist in getting insurance cards to the employee in a timely manner and premiums being deducted timely.
Your enrollment in the health plan is voluntary.
To enroll in the State Employee Health Program, you will access the secure Membership Administration Portal (MAP).
- Select your Regent University (University of Kansas) and you will be taken to your login screen. To sign into MAP, you will use your KU online ID and password, the same credentials you use to log into your work computer.
- Once in your Member Portal, go to "Enrollment & Events" tab and click in "Launch Enrollment".
- If you can't login, visit the assistance section below.
- If you have questions about the process of enrolling or decisions about coverage please contact KU Benefits, 785-864-7402 or benefits@ku.edu.
KU contributes toward your semi-monthly health premiums. Your health insurance premiums are paid either pre-tax or post-tax and the total premium amount is determined based on the following:
- Whether you are a full-time or part-time employee
- The insurance plan(s) you select
- The dependents that are covered
- Any available credit under the HealthQuest Rewards Program
- PY2025 Worksheet of semi-monthly premium rates
Plan Detail
To view current plan and premium information, please refer to the 2025 Enrollment Guide (pdf). Complete 2025 information can be found at the State Employee Health Plan website.
Dependents Eligible To Be Covered
- Your lawful spouse, including common-law marriage
- Any eligible dependent child(ren)
For additional information, as well as documentation requirements, please see the Active State Employee Guidebook (pdf).
We strongly recommend you use a KU workstation or campus computer lab to enroll during Initial Enrollment to ensure you are using a compatible browser that is properly configured. If you experience issues logging in, first try opening link with different browser. If this does not work, clear your browser’s cache.
Clearing cache and cookies
Please note: for all PC browsers, just hold Ctrl+Shift+Del. On a Mac, it's Shift+Command+Delete. After going through the process of clearing cache and cookies, you may need to restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
If you need additional help or have questions, contact your IT support staff, or the KU IT Customer Service Center at 785-864-8080 or itcsc@ku.edu. In-person support is available at the Price Computing Center located at 1001 Sunnyside Ave.
Additional Information
- Visit Prepaid Summer Benefits and Coverage for Faculty and Staff to learn how summer benefit deductions will be taken for academic year faculty/academic staff who hold full academic year or spring semester regular appointments and who have an ongoing commitment for the upcoming fall semester.
- Benefits Affected by Out of Area Leaves and Sabbatical - Faculty and staff who leave the area for an extended period of time—on sabbatical, leave without pay, working overseas for the summer or other reasons—and who have concerns about their benefits should contact the Benefits Office at 785-864-7402 or benefits@ku.edu.
- To take any of the following actions, you will need to log in to MAP and access the necessary Forms under "Account Overview" and the "Forms" tab. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Benefits at 785-864-7402 or benefits@ku.edu.
- The advance purchase of prescription drugs is authorized in certain circumstances and the RX State Advance Purchase Form must be completed and faxed back to Benefits at least 20 calendar days before the employee’s departure outside of the U.S.
- Employees and covered spouses who turn age 65 will need to complete the “TEFRA” Form in MAP to indicate the election to either i) remain in the SEHP or ii) to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B and drop the SEHP.
- To request consideration of covering a common-law spouse as a dependent (husband or wife) on your health insurance plan, you will need to complete the Common Law Marriage Form and upload supporting documentation in MAP.
- To communicate concerns, suggestions or requests concerning the SEHP, log into MAP and, under Account Overview, Mid-Year Benefits Changes Tab, click on Start a New Request and select the Communication Form.
- Note: Employees who are newly eligible for benefit plans offered by the SEHP, or who make changes in coverage because of life events, may see a delay from the time they enroll or initiate a change in MAP to when the premium is deducted from their paychecks. Premium changes will be reflected on paychecks after the SEHP processes the enrollment or change and sends that information to KU.
- As employees generally have 31 days in which to initially enroll or to request a change because of a life event, the premium change could be retroactive and result in multiple premiums deducted from a paycheck.
- If the retroactive premium adjustment will be greater than $500, the Benefits Office will send an email to inform you.
- To minimize retroactive premium deductions, you are encouraged to enroll or make mid-year changes as early in the 31 day period as possible
- To take any of the following actions, you will need to log in to MAP and access the necessary Forms under "Account Overview" and the "Forms" tab. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Benefits at 785-864-7402 or benefits@ku.edu.
*An accessible version of the PDFs on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact our office at hrdept@ku.edu to request the document be made available in an accessible format.