
The University of Kansas follows a progressive disciplinary process that includes documented verbal counseling, written reprimand, and performance improvement plans. In some circumstances, employees can be suspended, and in rare instances, employees can be demoted or dismissed for not meeting employment expectations. Direct communication between a supervisor and employee is required for making a progressive disciplinary action, and Employee Relations staff must be involved for these actions to take place. Please submit the Initiate Disciplinary Action or Request Guidance form for information on support and next steps. 

If a supervisor has a probationary employee and are considering extending their probation or ending employment, please submit the Initiate Probation Extension/Dismissal form information on support and next steps.

The University of Kansas has specific procedures for handling all matters related to counseling and disciplinary actions depending on the type of staff member involved (USS or UPS). Below are more specifics on how to support and work with these employees.

  • USS Employees: Visit this page for information related to disciplinary processes and procedures for University Support Staff, except 1290PE covered employees.
  • 1290PE Covered Employees: Visit this page for information related to disciplinary processes and procedures for 1290PE covered employees.
  • UPS Employees: Visit this page for information related to disciplinary processes and procedures for University Professional Staff.
  • Involuntary Demotions: An involuntary demotion may be a result of a disciplinary action. For more information about the process associated with involuntary demotions please visit Personnel and Compensation Related Actions Definitions.
  • SSC Student Hourly Dismissal Guidance (pdf): Visit this page for Student Hourly Dismissal Guidance for SSC's. 

For guidance on addressing a performance or conduct issue of an employee that reports to you, please submit a request disciplinary action or request guidance and a member of the Employee Relations team will be in touch.

*An accessible version of the documents on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact our office at to request the document be made available in an accessible format.