Meeting Facilitation and Team Building Events
Our trained facilitators offer tools and processes to make your work meetings and retreats more effective by increasing productivity, focus, and accountability.
In consultation with you, Human Resources staff create programs to meet your specific needs. They may be offered in-person or online and are tailored to help your team meet its goals, to improve effectiveness and capacity, or to strengthen relationships.
In addition, we are certified to facilitate team development sessions on these topics:
- Change Intelligence
- Compassionate Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
Change Intelligence
Human Resources staff are certified practitioners of the CQ System for Developing Change Intelligence®.
Prior to the team-building event, participants will complete an online assessment to learn their Change Leader Style. In the session, we’ll help each member see how their particular use of their head, hands, and heart supports the group as they implement a change. Team members also gain insight into how to adapt their style and enhance the effectiveness of the entire team.
Change Intelligence sessions generally require 3-4 hours of meeting time and may be conducted online or in-person. There is a fee for the assessment.

Compassionate Communication
Compassionate Communication, based on the principles of Non-Violent Communication, fosters understanding and connection. It includes translating judgments into observations, emphasizing needs instead of strategies, identifying real and faux feelings, and making requests instead of demands. These approaches can reduce assumptions, grow empathy, and lessen tension within teams.
Compassionate Communication sessions are tailored to fit your needs and schedule. They may be conducted online or in-person.
Conflict Resolution
Human Resources staff is certified to administer the Conflict Dynamics Profile® individual assessment and to train individual and teams on practical workplace conflict resolution skills.
Prior to the team-building event, individuals take the Conflict Dynamics Profile® assessment to help individuals and teams understand how they respond to conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict, and how to manage conflict more effectively.
Team sessions generally require two hours of meeting time and may be conducted online or in-person. There is a fee for the assessment.
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a robust tool for self-awareness and improvement. Supported by 70 years of research, the assessment identifies an individual’s natural preferences for how they direct and receive energy, take in information, draw conclusions and make decisions, and approach the outside world. Being aware of our preferences can positively impact how teams communicate, grow, and work together.
MBTI sessions generally require 2-3 hours of meeting time and may be conducted online or in-person. There is a fee for the assessment.