Document Retention

KU is required to retain all documents related to all candidate search activities (Faculty, Staff, and Student hires) for a period of three years. Units may elect to retain documentation in a confidential, locked location and choose to destroy the documentation after three years or send all search related materials to your respective Talent Acquisition Team member for imaging. 

Units who wish to use the imaging service only need to complete the Materials Retention Cover Sheet (pdf) and forward this with their search materials to their Talent Acquisition Team member in a confidential envelope. A sample listing of documents we would accept for scanning are as follows:

  • Interview Questions
  • Ad Copy Materials
  • Interview Notes for each Applicant
  • Screening Tools
  • Results from any additional requirements at the time of Interview (writing and/or editing samples, etc.)
  • Evaluation or Survey results from Interview Participants
  • Reference Check Materials and Responses
  • Reference Letters
  • Offer negotiations
  • Any additional correspondence between the committee and applicants

Please note the following:

  • Units should shred and not forward application materials that were printed out from the University Recruitment System unless specific notations were made during the interview process on these documents.  All notes are to be forwarded so they can be scanned or retained.
  • If you need to access search materials that have been imaged, please contact the Talent Acquisition team for assistance.
  • Units which elect to retain and destroy their own search documentation materials must do so according to University policy. Disposal of materials must be shredded in secured location sites.


*An accessible version of the PDFs on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact our office at to request the document be made available in an accessible format.