2023 Staff Leadership Summit Livestream and Program
The 2023 Staff Leadership Summit was held Thursday, September 14, at the Kansas Memorial Union. The theme was "KU: An Exceptional Learning Community." Please see below for the schedule as well as descriptions of the breakout sessions and biographies of the speakers.
Schedule at a Glance
Schedule of Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session Descriptions
Opening Remarks
Keynote Speaker
Closing Remarks
Breakout Session Speakers
Each of the sessions held in Woodruff Auditorium was recorded, and the videos are posted below.
Opening Remarks with Provost Bichelmeyer
Keynote with Mark Saine, TIAA
Katie Conrad
Patrick Downes
Joey Orr
Nicole Reiz
Closing Remarks from Mike Rounds
Schedule at a Glance
8:00am | Registration Begins (coffee available in the Parlors) |
8:45 am | Opening Remarks followed by Keynote Address (Woodruff Auditorium) |
10:00 am | Breakout Session 1 |
11:00 am | Breakout Session 2 |
12:00 pm | Lunch (Ballroom) Information Tables (Jayhawk Room) |
1:00 pm | Breakout Session 3 |
2:00 pm | Breakout Session 4 |
3:00 pm | Closing Remarks (Woodruff Auditorium) |
Schedule of Breakout Sessions
ROOM | LEVEL | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM | 1:00 PM | 2:00 PM |
Alderson | 4 | Strategies for Setting Boundaries and Avoiding Burnout | Strategies for Setting Boundaries and Avoiding Burnout | “Help! I Need Somebody!” Where to Go When You Don’t Know Where to Go: Exploring the KU Ombuds Office Services | |
Big 12 | 5 | Jayhawk Resilience: The Myth of Grit and the Reality of Support | Leading (Fun!) Teams: How to Create a Culture of Productivity and Personal Satisfaction | Don’t Worry! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based Strategies to Confront Worried Thoughts | Generative AI and Higher Ed: Navigating a Changing Landscape |
Centennial | 6 | Bringing Mindfulness into Your Everyday Life | Workplace Meditation & Yoga | ||
English | 6 | Creating Accessible Documents in Word, PowerPoint, and Adobe PDFs | Communication around Disability | ||
Kansas | 6 | Don’t Worry! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based Strategies to Confront Worried Thoughts | What's Right with You? Positive Mental Health Life Hacks | An Empowering and Non-Stigmatizing Approach to Understanding and Addressing Substance Use and Addictions | An Empowering and Non-Stigmatizing Approach to Understanding and Addressing Substance Use and Addictions |
Malott | 6 | Hyper-palatable Foods and US Tobacco Companies: Cross-industry Activities and Harms to Public Health | Home Office: The Places Where We Worked - March/April 2020 | Learning & Development: Your Partners in Learning | |
Union Entrance - West | 1 | Points of Reflection and Exploration at the Spencer Museum of Art (Gather at the Mississippi Street entrance to the Union. Look for the volunteer with the yellow flag.) | |||
Union Plaza - South | 4 | Tree Trivia and Plant Particulars: An Introduction to the Flora of the KU Campus (Head south from the main Union entrance to the 1920 Jayhawk; look for the volunteer with the yellow flag.) | |||
Woodruff | 5 | Informal Social Networks and Their Impact on the Workplace | Generative AI and Higher Ed: Navigating a Changing Landscape | Building a Supportive Mentoring Network for Professional and Career Advancement | Expanding the Field: Putting Research into Interdisciplinary Conversation with the Spencer Museum of Art |
Breakout Session Descriptions
Listed alphabetically by title
Bring Mindfulness into Your Everyday Life
Yvonnes Chen
11:00am, Centennial
Have you ever craved a quiet space to simply breathe and regroup? Have you felt a constant struggle toward our society’s addiction to faster living? Have you ever wondered what mindfulness is and how it becomes so popular? In this hands-on workshop, we will engage in practices and discuss ways you can integrate mindfulness practices into your every life.
Building a Supportive Mentoring Network for Professional and Career Advancement
Nicole Reiz
1:00pm, Woodruff Auditorium
This session will explore and discuss work by Dr. Beronda Montgomery on building proactive, individual-centered mentoring networks designed to support comprehensive career planning and strategic development grounded in personal career aspirations. Attendees will explore various mentoring tools and concepts including building strategic mentoring roadmaps and lessons we can take from plants on the power of community-based mentoring programs to support the development of their own supportive mentoring networks.
Communication around Disability
Rachel Vogelmeier
1:00pm, English
Discussions around disability can be difficult and uncomfortable, but we are hoping to help change that. With this knowledge and these tools, navigating challenging questions, promoting self-advocacy, and requesting accommodations will become much more simple.
Creating Accessible Documents in Word, PowerPoint, and Adobe PDFs
Kim Glover
10:00am, English
In this training session participants will be introduced to the skills and knowledge required to produce inclusive and accessible documents in three widely used formats: Word, PowerPoint, and Adobe PDF formats. This training will empower content creators to contribute to a more inclusive digital environment, where information is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.
Don't Worry! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Strategies to Confront Worried Thoughts
Jeffrey Stolz
10:00am, Kansas
1:00pm, Big 12
This session will be an interactive discussion using effective CBT basics to increase awareness of common patterns of worried thinking. We’ll practice skills to identify and confront anxious thoughts in an effort to better manage the emotional impact of worry and have a good night’s rest.
An Empowering and Non-Stigmatizing Approach to Understanding and Addressing Substance Use and Addictions
Michael Amlung
1:00pm, Kansas
2:00pm, Kansas
Substance use and addiction are prevalent and cut across all segments of our population. In your various roles at KU, you may encounter people who are using substances or are in recovery, or you may interact with colleagues who are supporting another person facing these challenges. Being a supportive colleague and leader requires a deeper understanding of the complex situations and considerations that surround substance use and addition. Dr. Amlung will share background information on prevalence of addictions and patterns of substance use, provide examples of stigmatizing and non-stigmatizing language referring to people who use substances, and provide concrete strategies for creating an engaging and respectful discussion of these issues. The session will combine didactic information with hands-on exercises and techniques that staff can apply to their roles at KU.
Expanding the Field: Putting Research into Interdisciplinary Conversation with the Spencer Museum of Art
Joey Orr
2:00pm, Woodruff Auditorium
The Spencer Museum's Arts Research Integration program puts practicing artists into conversation with researchers across the sciences and humanities. This session explores an interdisciplinary collaboration with the KU Field Station and Designbuild Studio in the School of Architecture & Design with artist Janine Antoni to help plant seeds for future collaborations.
Generative AI and Higher Ed: Navigating a Changing Landscape
Katie Conrad
11:00am, Woodruff Auditorium
2:00pm, Big 12
AI has found its way into everything from student papers to staff workflow. What are the implications of generative AI for academia? This session will help participants to build critical AI literacy: understanding the harms and challenges AI poses for higher ed, including ethical concerns, potential misuse, bias, and misinformation, as well as some of the potential applications of AI tools for education. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and concerns for discussion.
“Help! I Need Somebody!” Where to Go When You Don’t Know Where to Go: Exploring the KU Ombuds Office Services
Ada Emmett and Herschenia Brown
2:00pm, Alderson
KU staff may encounter difficult situations in the workplace, with colleagues, supervisors/supervisees, or KU systems and policies, and need a place to explore their options in a confidential way. This breakout session will describe the unique positionality of the Ombuds Office at KU; the “off-the-record” confidential space we provide to help people informally address their concerns; and ideas and coaching visitors receive to widen their perception of their situation. We will distinguish what the Ombuds Office does and how we operate compared to other departments at KU and how we can support staff at various stages of their careers.
Home Office: The Places Where We Worked - March/April 2020
Tim Hossler
1:00pm, Malott
In early March 2020, like most of my friends and colleagues world-wide, I scrambled to find a place to work at home. Trying to find something productive to do with my time (I was on sabbatical), I reached out to friends, friends-of-friends, and colleagues for images of their home working spaces. The resulting project is a time capsule of those photographs.
Hyper-Palatable Foods and US Tobacco Companies: Cross-Industry Activities and Harms to Public Health
Tera Fazzino
11:00am, Malott
The US food environment is saturated with hyper-palatable foods, which are difficult to stop eating and increase obesity risk. Although unbeknownst to most of the US public and scientific community, US tobacco giants Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds owned and developed leading US food companies, including Kraft and Nabisco, between the 1980s and early 2000s. Dr. Fazzino will present scientific evidence indicating that US tobacco companies may have disseminated hyper-palatable foods into the US food system. Implications for food choice, dietary intake, and public health will be presented.
Informal Social Networks and Their Impact on the Workplace
Patrick Downes
10:00am, Woodruff Auditorium
This session will discuss the ways in ways in which social network structures influence employees and organizations. Themes will focus on the challenges and opportunities of managing through informal relationships, the effects of social structures on people’s careers, and how organizations can benefit from social (in addition to human) capital. Participants will engage in activities that develop a new lens for problem solving organizational issues, and for thinking strategically about how their social connections influence their careers and life beyond work.
Jayhawk Resilience: The Myth of Grit and the Reality of Support
Kelly McCoy
10:00am, Big 12
Popular definitions of resilience include “bouncing back” and “persevering” through adversity. These definitions are problematic because they place the responsibility of bouncing back on the individual and disregard the role of support in resilient outcomes. Sadly, pervasive myths exist that resilience is a rare trait that allows a gritty, select few to bounce back, while the rest of us struggle. The reality is resilience is ordinary and based on supports available to us within our communities. This brief presentation pushes back on popular definitions of resilience and offers a community support-based understanding of resilience.
Leading (Fun!) Teams: How to Create a Culture of Productivity and Personal Satisfaction
Stacy Cordell
11:00am Big 12
Several years ago, when discussing an aspect of my job responsibilities that made me feel stuck, my supervisor told me “That’s why they call this ‘work’ and not ‘fun’.” Let’s be honest, work isn’t always fun. However, work can be motivating and satisfying (and dare I say – a little fun), even when we are responsible for tasks that aren’t our favorites. In this session, we’ll explore the nature of human motivation and the ways in which individual strengths, curiosity, and desire to achieve inspire us to action. We’ll identify what hinders motivation for you and your team members and discuss strategies for creating a work environment that provides pathways to personal fulfilment and team success.
Learning & Development: Your Partners in Learning
Kathleen Ames-Stratton, Crystal Dippre, Amber Eshelman, Laurie Harrison, and Stephanie Hull
2:00pm, Malott
In this session, members of the Learning & Development team of Human Resource Management will describe the services we offer in support of our mission to "create partnerships and opportunities to grow excellence in people and teams."
Points of Reflection and Exploration at the Spencer Museum of Art
Saralyn Reece Hardy
1:00pm, Spencer Museum of Art (Gather to the north of the main Union entrance. Look for the yellow flag)
This guided tour will inspire participants to think creatively about their roles as leaders and ways in which they support exceptional learning communities at KU. Stimulated by artworks on view at the Spencer Museum of Art, attendees will think critically and openly about pathways to and through leadership. (Maximum of 20 participants.)
Strategies for Setting Boundaries and Avoiding Burnout
Jordan Atkinson
10:00am Alderson
11:00am, Alderson
Managing employee work-life balance is an ongoing struggle for organizations and individuals. This session will combine academic research with professional practice regarding boundary management strategies. These boundary management strategies can reduce the occurrence of workplace burnout, an increasingly common phenomenon within modern organizations.
Tree Trivia and Plant Particulars: An Introduction to the Flora of the KU Campus
Craig Freeman and Caleb Morse
1:00pm, Ascher Plaza (Gather at 1920 Jayhawk near south end of Union Plaza. Look for the yellow flag.)
During a brief walking tour of Lawrence main campus, we will examine some of the distinctive and interesting plants, emphasizing woody plants, and discuss how the vegetation of the campus has changed since the founding of the university. (Maximum of 40 participants.)
What’s Right with You? Positive Mental Health Life Hacks
Brian Cole
11:00am, Kansas
This presentation will share research from the KU Positive Psychotherapy Clinic, a free telehealth clinic that treats depression and anxiety by enhancing hope, positive emotion, and well-being. Participants will learn practical strategies for taking a more balanced approach to understanding their mental health. Tips for finding a therapist that is the right fit for you will also be discussed.
Workplace Meditation & Yoga
Erin Sampson
2:00pm, Centennial
This session is an introduction to meditation and yoga. Learn how to incorporate meditation and yoga poses into your workday with the goal of relieving stress and calming the mind. All movements will be gentle and can be done while seated in a chair.

Barbara A. Bichelmeyer, an academic leader in the field instructional design and technology, was appointed provost and executive vice chancellor of the University of Kansas in February 2020. Bichelmeyer, a Kansas City native, also holds an appointment as a professor in the KU School of Education & Human Sciences.
As KU’s chief learning officer, she is primarily responsible for advancing the university’s mission in concert with the Chancellor, administrators, faculty, staff, and students across the Lawrence campus. She leads the Lawrence campus in championing and furthering the goals outlined in the university’s strategic plan.
Prior to joining KU, Bichelmeyer served as provost and executive vice chancellor of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, a position she held since August 2015. She had previously served as executive associate vice president for University Academic Affairs for the seven campuses of Indiana University, as well as founder and senior director for IU's Office of Online Education. Bichelmeyer was a tenured full professor at Indiana University - Bloomington.
For most of her 30-year career as a faculty member and administrator, Bichelmeyer has examined the process of performance-based instructional design, and how technology is incorporated into classrooms in order to facilitate more personalized learning experiences.
Bichelmeyer earned a bachelor’s in journalism degree in 1982, a bachelor of arts in English in 1986, a master’s in educational policy and administration in 1988, and a doctorate in educational communications and technology in 1991, all from the University of Kansas.
Bichelmeyer has served as consultant for performance-based instructional design, technology integration, human and organization performance effectiveness, and evaluation of instructional and organizational development programs to numerous organizations including the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Indiana Supreme Court Commission for Continuing Legal Education, Procter & Gamble, Eli Lilly, Microsoft, Sprint, the United States Coast Guard, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
Keynote Address: Learning in a World Turned Upside Down
Mark Saine, Managing Director, Strategic Leadership Solutions, TIAA

Mark supports TIAA’s clients by helping them to build leaders internally that are prepared to take on increasingly complex roles and to manage the demands of a rapidly changing environment. He provides leadership development services including workshops, retreats, consultation and coaching.
He has worked for TIAA for more than 20 years. In his previous role at TIAA, Mark initiated and oversaw corporate-wide leadership and executive development initiatives such as leadership transitions training, top talent programs, mentoring programs, and coaching engagements. Mark’s gift for creating relevant and engaging programs created momentum for leadership development inside TIAA that engaged leaders at all levels in the organization.
Mark holds a bachelor’s degree from Anderson University (Indiana), a master’s in student personnel from Ball State University (Indiana), and a master’s in organizational psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University (New York).
Mark’s work with clients focuses on:
- Creating an institutional strategy to develop a bench of leaders.
- Building initiatives that support leadership development at all levels of an institution.
- Identifying top talent and building programs to support their on-going growth.
- Designing and developing customized leadership programs.
- Facilitating interactive, engaging development programs.
Mark has also earned certification from the Hudson Institute of Coaching, is certified to administer the Leadership Circle Profile and Leadership Culture Survey, the Clifton Strengths Finder, and is a Social Style Master Trainer. Additionally, he holds certifications to train numerous courses including: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Situational Leadership, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Leadership Challenge, and Crucial Conversations.

Mike Rounds is vice provost for operations, with primary responsibility for the following departments: Human Resource Management; Public Safety; Custodial Services; Facilities Services; Transportation Services; Facilities Planning & Development; Office of Sustainability; Environment, Health and Safety and Space Management. Mike provides the leadership and strategic visioning to align these departments with the University’s mission and goals, while working closely with the provost and other KU leaders and campus partners to ensure key campus services meet the needs and expectations of KU students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. In a career where he has spent time in the military, public education and higher education, Mike has more than 40 years of leadership experience. He earned an MBA from Baker University, a master’s degree in strategic planning from the U.S. Army War College, a master’s degree in East Asian studies from Yale University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y.
Breakout Session Speakers (in alphabetical order by last name)

Speakers (continued)

Speakers (continued)

Speakers (continued)

Speakers (continued)

Speakers (continued)

Speakers (continued)