Instructions for Employees

Performance Evaluation - Employee Instructions

Last Updated: 1/30/2020

Access Performance Evaluation

When a form has been created that requires an employee's attention, the employee will receive a notification email. View ScreenshotNotification email

  1. Log in to MyTalent with your KU online ID and password
  2. In addition to the email notification, the evaluation will appear in the employee's "For You Today" section at the top of their homepage
  3. You can access your Performance Evaluation via one of two options:
    1. Option 1: Select the Evaluate Performance tile in your "For You Today" sectionView ScreenshotSelect 'Evaluate Performance' from 'For You Today' on homepage
    2. Option 2: Select Home in the top-left to open dropdown menu. Then, select Performance View ScreenshotSelect 'Home' then 'Performance' from dropdown in top left
  4. Both options above take you to your Performance Inbox, which shows all forms needing action. View ScreenshotScreenshot of Accordions - Body 1
  5. Within the Performance Inbox you can see:
    1. Important dates (i.e., Step due date, For Start date, For End Date, Form Due Date) View ScreenshotImportant dates
  6. To access the Performance Evaluation Form, select the form title View ScreenshotTo access performance evaluation, select form title
  7. Complete the self-evaluation as needed

Add Goals to the Evaluation

Goals are required to complete the evaluation

  1. To add a goal, select + Add Goal in the top-right of the 'Goals' section  View Screenshot
  2. Follow the prompts to add a goal, or refer to the instructions for adding a goal.
  3. Follow the pTo add a goal, select +Add Goal in the top-right of the 'Goals' section

Evaluating Goals

  1. Select anywhere in the goal window  View ScreenshotGoal window for more details including:
    1. Goal Name and Measure of Success
    2. Goal Details  View ScreenshotGoal Details
      1. Within Goal Details you will find additional details about the goal including:
        1. Goal name
        2. Description
        3. Measure of success
        4. Start date
        5. Due date
        6. Percentage complete
        7. Status
    3. Other Details  View ScreenshotOther Details
      1. Within Other Details you will find additional details about the goal including:
        1. Tasks
        2. Progress updates
  2. Employees can Edit their goals before providing a rating:
    1. To edit a goal, select the blue Edit link to the right of the Goal Name  View ScreenshotSelect blue 'Edit' link to right of Goal Name
    2. Make any necessary changes to any editable field:
      1. Category
      2. Goal name
      3. Goal description
      4. Tasks
      5. Measure of success
      6. Dates
      7. Completion percentage
      8. Status
      9. Progress updates
    3. Select Save Changes  View ScreenshotSelect 'Save Changes'
  3. Once edits are complete, enter a rating by selecting the arrow to the right of the dropdown menu labelled Please Select  View ScreenshotSelect rating
  4. Select from the following rating options:
    1. Not applicable
    2. Unsatisfactory
    3. Needs Improvement
    4. Meets Expectations
    5. Exceeds Expectations
    6. Exceptional
  5. To view definitions of each performance rating, select the question mark to the right of the Rating label.  View ScreenshotSelect question mark to see rating definitions
  6. Once a rating has been selected, the employee is required to provide comments in the Comments field  View ScreenshotRequired employee comments field
    1. Use the editing menu provided to format the comment text as needed  View ScreenshotText formatting options
      1. (Optional) Select spell check to check spelling  View ScreenshotSpell check
      2. (Optional) Select legal scan to have the language reviewed for suggested changes  View ScreenshotLegal scan

Evaluating Competencies

Once the employee has provided a rating and comments on their self-evaluation for each of their goals, they can optionally provide a rating on any or all of the nine University Core Competencies.  View ScreenshotUniversity Core Competencies

  1. To select a rating, select the down arrow to the right of the Rating dropdown menu (i.e., to the right of "Not Applicable")  View ScreenshotSelect a rating
    1. If you choose not to select a rating, leave the rating as "Not Applicable"
  2. Select from the following ratings options:
    1. Not applicable
    2. Unsatisfactory
    3. Needs Improvement
    4. Meets Expectations
    5. Exceeds Expectations
    6. Exceptional

Add University Core Competencies Comments

  1. (Optional) Once ratings have been entered on the applicable competencies, the employee can optionally provide comments in the Employee's Comments field.  View ScreenshotOptional employee comment field
  2. (Optional) For assistance providing comments, select Writing Assistant* View ScreenshotWriting assistant
    1. Three columns are shown in the "Select topics below" section: 1) Improve, 2) Meets, and 3) Exceeds, with statements under each briefly describing performance.  View ScreenshotThree columns are shown in the "Select topics below" section
    2. When a statement is selected, detailed comments are provided in the Preview Quote Below section  View ScreenshotSelected content appears in Preview Quote Below section
    3. Select Place Quote to insert the comment on the evaluation form  View ScreenshotSelect 'Place Quote'
      1. Repeat to add additional comments as needed
    4. The quotes default to third person and automatically place the employee's name into the quotes.
      1. To change the default from the employee's name to "you," select the toggle under the Select a Narrative label  View ScreenshotSelect a Narrative to change from name to 'you'
    5. Once all quotes have been added, select Close to go back to the evaluation form  View ScreenshotSelect 'Close' to go back to form

*Notes on Writing Assistant:

Attach Supporting Documents to the Evaluation

  1. To attach supporting documents, select the button with paperclip icon below the buttons for print and save  View ScreenshotSelect paperclip icon to attach supportting documents
  2. Select the plus sign to the right of the "Attachments" label  View ScreenshotSelect the plus sign
  3. Select Choose File to locate the file  View ScreenshotSelect 'Choose File' to locate the file
  4. Select Upload  View ScreenshotSelect 'Upload'
  5. Then, select OK to officially add the attachment  View ScreenshotSelect 'OK' to add attachment

Additional Functions

Once a rating and comments have been entered, the employee can perform a legal scan or spell check

Spell Check

  1. Select Actions > Spell check the entire form  View ScreenshotSelect 'Actions' then 'Spell check the entire form'

Legal Scan

  1. Select Actions > Legal scan the entire form  View ScreenshotSelect 'Actions' then 'Legal scan the entire form'

Employees can also perform the following additional functions:

Save as PDF

  1. To save the Performance Evaluation as a PDF, select the PDF icon in the top-right menu options (i.e., to the right of 'print')  View ScreenshotSelect 'OK' to add attachment


  1. To print the Performance Evaluation, select the print icon in the top-right menu options (i.e., to the right of 'History')  View ScreenshotSelect print icon in top-right

Save and Close

Once the employee has selected a rating and provided comments for all goals and all competencies, if the employee does not yet want to send it to the supervisor, the employee can select Save and Close to save the form and exit the form.  View ScreenshotSelect Save and Close to save the form and exit the form

Send Self-Evaluation to Supervisor/Manager

Acknowledging Receipt of Evaluation

Once the supervisor has met with the employee and completed the evaluation, the employee will receive an email notification that the evaluation form is ready for acknowledgement.

To access the evaluation for acknowledgment:

  1. The employee can access the performance evaluation by selecting the "Evaluate Performance" tile in the "For You Today" section on the homepage.  View ScreenshotSelect "Evaluate Performance" tile in "For You Today" on homepage
  2. The employee can also access their employee’s performance form by selecting Performance from the "Home" dropdown menu in the top-left  View ScreenshotSelect 'Home' in top-left, then 'Performance'
    1. From the 'Performance Inbox,' the employee can select the title of the evaluation form  View ScreenshotPerformance inbox, then select form title
    2. The employee can view the ratings and comments they provided in the self-evaluation  View ScreenshotView the ratings and comments employee provided in self-evaluation
    3. The employee can also view the rating and comments provided by their supervisor  View ScreenshotView comments and ratings from supervisor
    4. The employee can also view their overall performance rating  View ScreenshotView overall performance rating
    5. The employee can also view their supervisor's overall comments  View ScreenshotView supervisor's overall comments
    6. Once the employee has reviewed the evaluation, they can provide final comments and then select Continue to Acknowledge, Electronically Sign, and Send to Supervisor View ScreenshotProvide final comments and then select Continue to Acknowledge, Electronically Sign, and Send to Supervisor
    7. The employee has the opportunity to return to the form or continue and select Continue to Acknowledge, Electronically Sign, and Send to Supervisor to send to their supervisor.  View ScreenshotTo confirm, select 'Continue to Acknowledge, Electronically Sign, and Sent to Supervisor'
    8. Once the form has been sent, the form will no longer be in the employee's inbox, but will be available by selecting En Route View ScreenshotView the form in 'En Route'
    9. A "read-only" version of the form is available for viewing by selecting the form title.