Job Title:

Multi-Term Lecturer

Job Code:


Job Description and Minimum Qualifications:

Lecturers in this track may be hired initially for a fixed period of no more than three years, with the contractual provision that a lecturer position does not lead to tenure or a tenure-track position. Under exceptional circumstances, three-year appointments may be extended to part-time lecturers under the same conditions of appointment as full-time lecturers. These appointments are not eligible for tenure or for senior or university lecturer designation. At the end of the contract term, absent action by the University, the contract ends. There is no automatic renewal of a lecturer appointment at the end of the contract. If, upon evaluation by a department or college/school, it is determined that a lecturer has met all requirements and demonstrated potential for future term appointments, the University may offer a second three-year contractual appointment. Following the second contract appointment, departments and colleges may offer subsequent contracts for a term of no more than three years each. However, in no event will an appointment as lecturer ever lead to tenure.

Employee Classification:


Salary Grade:


Minimum Salary:


Maximum Salary:
