Staff Evaluations

University policy requires that Unclassified Professional Staff (UPS) and University Support Staff (USS) employees receive a formal, written performance evaluation by the supervisor at least once a year within the Performance Management System. Evaluations are a mechanism to provide feedback and documentation about an employee’s performance through a defined time period, and can provide clear communication of job expectations and goals. Performance Evaluations also can serve as a constructive tool that assists mentoring employees on areas of employee development and improvement.

Information about the evaluation process and required forms are provided below. All performance evaluation actions are performed in the Performance Management System. For additional information, please visit the Policy on Staff Performance Evaluations.

Types of evaluations

Annual Evaluations — The Annual evaluation, beginning July 1, 2022, covers the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) and is the evaluation period used for all staff who are not serving on a probationary period. The annual evaluations are due on September 1

Probationary Evaluations — A probationary evaluation covers the probationary period when an employee begins a new position. The probationary period is typically 6 months long, but can be extended by Human Resources (HR).  Please refer to the University’s Probationary Period Policy. Probationary evaluations are due prior to the employee’s probationary end date.

Special Evaluations — A Special Evaluation covers a defined period of time as established by the supervisor in conjunction with HR. An employee can be placed on a special evaluation at any time. An employee who is placed on a special evaluation will be notified of the duration and due date at the time a Special Evaluation period begins. 


The objectives of the performance evaluation process for Staff Performance Evaluations are to:

  • Provide employees with feedback to improve or maintain job performance
  • Identify areas for employee development
  • Set performance standards and goals for the next review period
  • Recognize job-related accomplishments
  • Enhance communication and working relationships
  • Understand how the work we do helps fulfill the university’s mission

Evaluation Forms

Staff Evaluations are to be completed in the University’s Performance Management System. To access the Performance Management System, please log in to MyTalent. For more information about the Performance Management System, see available Tutorial Videos.

Evaluation Process

To learn more about the evaluation process and associated forms, please refer to the step-by-step process below for both employees and supervisors:

  1. Set Goals, monitor goals, provide feedback, and document feedback and progress throughout the evaluation period
  2. Review position description
  3. Employee’s Self Evaluation
  4. Provide rating
  5. Review goals
  6. Summarize evaluation
  7. Rate overall performance
  8. Acknowledge evaluation
  9. Appeal evaluation

Step 1: Set goals, monitor goals, provide feedback, and document feedback and progress throughout the evaluation period

Goals should be set at the beginning of the review period and goals can be added or changed throughout the review period. Please note that all changes and additions must be made at least 30 days before the end of the rating period. While both employees and supervisors can establish goals on the employee’s goal plan, ultimately, the supervisor is responsible for setting goals for an employee.  It is recommended supervisors provide feedback to the employee and document the employees’ progress toward goals, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis. More information about goal setting can be found on the Goals/Objective Setting webpage.

Step 2: Review Position Description

In addition to reviewing the employee’s goals, and the progress and feedback provided throughout the year, the supervisor and employee should discuss, review, and update the employee's position description. Duties on the position description are basic job requirements and should accurately represent the duties actually performed and the level of responsibility. This review is important because meeting job requirements listed on the position description represents at least satisfactory performance for purposes of the evaluation. Information about writing positions descriptions can be found on the Writing Position Description Page.  

Step 3: Employee’s Self Evaluation

Employees will be given the opportunity to complete a Self-Evaluation. Supervisors must encourage employees to complete the self-evaluation. If the employee fails to complete the self-evaluation by the due date, the supervisor can request that Human Resources move the form forward, bypassing the Self-evaluation step.

Step 4: Review Goals

Supervisors are to complete the performance evaluation of the employee and evaluate the employee’s performance in meeting the goals with one of the following ratings: 

  • Exceptional
  • Exceeds Expectations
  • Meets Expectations
  • Needs Improvement
  • Unsatisfactory

Supervisors must provide comments when evaluating each goal.  Comments should be used to document the employee’s progress and performance toward meeting the goal.

Step 5: Optional Evaluation of the University Core Competencies

The supervisor may provide an optional rating for any or all of the University Core Competencies:

  • Accountability
  • Adaptability
  • Communication
  • Customer/Quality Focus
  • Inclusiveness
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Occupational Knowledge/Technology Orientation
  • Teamwork

Competencies are realistic, observable behaviors that relate to performance and goals. More information about the competencies, to include definitions and performance examples can be found on on the HR University Core Competencies webpage.

Step 6: Rate Overall Performance

Supervisors should evaluate the employee's overall performance by considering input from the following:

  • The employee’s Self-Evaluation
  • The employee's overall job performance for all evaluation factors, including any evaluative comments, and goal progress and performance in relation to the Competencies during the rating period.

Supervisory comments on the employee's overall performance are required and must be consistent with the overall ratings for evaluation factors and goal achievement. The employee may add remarks in the "Comments by Employee" section after receipt of the performance evaluation.

A performance evaluation rating of at least "Meets Expectations" is required for University Support Staff employees to be eligible for any available salary increase, longevity bonus, and to move into a new position on campus. Unclassified professional staff must also have a rating of at least “Meets Expectations” to be eligible for any available merit increase.

After completing the evaluation, the supervisor is required to establish appropriate goals/objectives for the next rating period.

Step 7: Acknowledge Evaluation

The performance evaluation must be reviewed with and acknowledged by the employee (or witnessed if the employee declines to acknowledge) before the supervisor acknowledges the form and sends it to completion. If the employee declines to acknowledge the form, the supervisor can contact Human Resources and request that the evaluation be moved forward without the employee’s electronic acknowledgement if the supervisor has reviewed the evaluation with the employee.

Step 8: Appeal Evaluation

A regular USS employee may appeal an evaluation rating of "Unsatisfactory”, up to 7 calendar days after acknowledging the evaluation. If the employee wishes to appeal the evaluation rating, the employee must complete the Appeals Form (pdf) and submit it to HR for review.​

A regular UPS employee may appeal an evaluation rating of “Unsatisfactory” pursuant to the process outlined in the UPS Evaluation Appeal Policy.

*An accessible version of the documents on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact our office at to request the document be made available in an accessible format.