Candidate Associations

It is not unusual for search committee members to know one or more of the applicants applying for their opening and such associations might cause other applicants to feel the selection process was not equitable. The perception of fairness and transparency is essential to the success of each search. The following guidelines are a starting point from which to have a discussion with those involved, including the Area Administrator, search committee membership, IOA and/or HR.

Casual Association

  • might include having served on a committee with the applicant or knowing the applicant through a non-work association. In this instance, simply disclose to the search committee the nature of the association.

Professional Association

  • might involved working together as colleagues or co-workers. In this instance, it is recommended that the committee member not actively participate in the discussion of this applicant. If it is critical that the committee member participate in discussions, then any information (negative or positive) should be substantiated by outside references that can lend additional objectivity.

Close Professional/Personal Association

  • might involve an applicant that is a family member, someone with whom there is or has been a past consensual relationship, or a committee member who supervises, or has supervised the applicant previously. In such instances, it is recommended that the search committee member resign from the committee or at least not participate in any discussion about that applicant. However, in the case of a family member, or a consensual relationship, the search committee member must resign from the committee to eliminate any possibility of a conflict of interest.